$.fn.myTest=function() {
 var externalfunc=function(){

 var self = this;

Can someone tell me how to correct this?

1 Answer 1


I have no clue what you are trying to do here. If you extend the jQuery .fn. namespace, all jQuery objects inherit that propertys via prototypal inheritance.

jQuery.fn.myTest = function() {
   var foobar = function(){

That means $('somelement').myTest() is now available, but you cannot access foobar() here since foobar() is a private member of myTest() (-> function scope). So is your externalfunc().

You could do something like

jQuery.fn.myTest = function() {
   return (function(){

That now would really alert on jQuery('element').myTest(), but I doubt that is what you want to achieve. You always should return this within a .fn. method, to preserve the object chain.


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