I Have the following code i am trying to redirect the page to the same page but with a int on the link but it keeps coming up with page error.

 var done_update = '&updated=1';
 window.location = window.location.href.done_update;

Thank you,

3 Answers 3


String concatenation is done in JavaScript (and Java for that matter) using a + and not a .:

var done_update = '&updated=1';
window.location = window.location.href + done_update;
var done_update = '&updated=1';
window.location = window.location.href+done_update;
var done_update = "&update=1";
location = location.href + done_update;
  1. String concatenation in JavaScript is done using the + operator, not . as in other languages (Perl, PHP...)

  2. location is a global variable, there is no need to specify window.location

  • 2
    I would say 2 is a personal preference. I almost always use an explicit reference to window objects and properties, there's no risk of overriding them in local scopes that way.
    – Andy E
    Sep 4, 2010 at 12:27
  • 1
    If you put it that way it is reasonable to use window.location. However all global variables are properties of window, do you also use window.document?
    – ase
    Sep 4, 2010 at 12:41

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