If I have a double (234.004223), etc., I would like to round this to x significant digits in C#.

So far I can only find ways to round to x decimal places, but this simply removes the precision if there are any 0s in the number.

For example, 0.086 to one decimal place becomes 0.1, but I would like it to stay at 0.08.

  • 1
    Do you want x no of digits after initial '0's of decimals. For example if you want to keep 2 no of digits to following number 0.00030908 is 0.00031 or do you want 0.00030? or something else? Dec 17, 2008 at 11:58
  • 2
    I'm not clear what you mean here. In your example, are you trying to round to 2 decimal places? Or leave just one digit? If the latter, it should be 0.09, surely, rounding up the 6... Dec 17, 2008 at 11:59
  • Or are you looking for N * 10^X, where N has a specified number of digits? Dec 17, 2008 at 11:59
  • Please give us some more examples of original numbers and what you want to see as output Dec 17, 2008 at 12:04
  • 10
    I disagree. Rounding to significant digits doesn't mean that you should automatically truncate instead of round. For example, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Significant_figures. "... if rounding 0.039 to 1 significant figure, the result would be 0.04."
    – P Daddy
    Dec 17, 2008 at 20:22

17 Answers 17


The framework doesn't have a built-in function to round (or truncate, as in your example) to a number of significant digits. One way you can do this, though, is to scale your number so that your first significant digit is right after the decimal point, round (or truncate), then scale back. The following code should do the trick:

static double RoundToSignificantDigits(this double d, int digits){
    if(d == 0)
        return 0;

    double scale = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d))) + 1);
    return scale * Math.Round(d / scale, digits);

If, as in your example, you really want to truncate, then you want:

static double TruncateToSignificantDigits(this double d, int digits){
    if(d == 0)
        return 0;

    double scale = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d))) + 1 - digits);
    return scale * Math.Truncate(d / scale);
  • 11
    @leftbrainlogic: Yes, it really does: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/75ks3aby.aspx
    – P Daddy
    Dec 1, 2009 at 18:03
  • 5
    Neither of these methods will work with negative numbers as Math.Log10 will return Double.NaN if d < 0.
    – Fraser
    Feb 26, 2012 at 8:13
  • 4
    @PDaddy hmmm, you would need to check if d == 0 as this will result in Double.NaN too - both methods need a couple of guard clauses such as: if(d == 0) { return 0; } if(d < 0) { d = Math.Abs(d); } - otherwise you end up with a division by 0 in both.
    – Fraser
    Feb 28, 2012 at 13:44
  • 4
    @Fraser: Well, there goes the exercise for the reader. Btw, Eric noticed (stackoverflow.com/a/1925170/36388) the negative numbers flaw over two years ago (not the zero one, though). Maybe I should actually fix this code so people stop calling me on it.
    – P Daddy
    Feb 29, 2012 at 0:40
  • 4
    @PDaddy Yes please fix it. I'd +1 it if it was fixed. I guess a lot of folks wrongly take highly voted answers as copy-and-pasteable. Apr 26, 2013 at 21:59

I've been using pDaddy's sigfig function for a few months and found a bug in it. You cannot take the Log of a negative number, so if d is negative the results is NaN.

The following corrects the bug:

public static double SetSigFigs(double d, int digits)
    if(d == 0)
        return 0;

    decimal scale = (decimal)Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d))) + 1);

    return (double) (scale * Math.Round((decimal)d / scale, digits));
  • 2
    For some reason this code won't convert 50.846113537656557 to 6 sigfigs accurately, any ideas? Jan 14, 2010 at 14:17
  • 5
    Fails with (0.073699979, 7) returns 0.073699979999999998 Dec 9, 2016 at 22:45

It sounds to me like you don't want to round to x decimal places at all - you want to round to x significant digits. So in your example, you want to round 0.086 to one significant digit, not one decimal place.

Now, using a double and rounding to a number of significant digits is problematic to start with, due to the way doubles are stored. For instance, you could round 0.12 to something close to 0.1, but 0.1 isn't exactly representable as a double. Are you sure you shouldn't actually be using a decimal? Alternatively, is this actually for display purposes? If it's for display purposes, I suspect you should actually convert the double directly to a string with the relevant number of significant digits.

If you can answer those points, I can try to come up with some appropriate code. Awful as it sounds, converting to a number of significant digits as a string by converting the number to a "full" string and then finding the first significant digit (and then taking appropriate rounding action after that) may well be the best way to go.

  • It is for display purposes, I haven't considered a Decimal at all to be honest. How would I go about converting to string with the relevant number of significant digits as you say? I have been unable to find an example in the Double.ToString() method spec.
    – Rocco
    Dec 17, 2008 at 13:40
  • 5
    @Rocco: I know I am 4 years late, but I just came across your question. I think you should use Double.ToString("Gn"). See my answer of Nov 6 2012 :-)
    – farfareast
    Nov 6, 2012 at 23:07

If it is for display purposes (as you state in the comment to Jon Skeet's answer), you should use Gn format specifier. Where n is the number of significant digits - exactly what you are after.

Here is the the example of usage if you want 3 significant digits (printed output is in the comment of each line):

    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e-5.ToString("G3")); //1.23E-05
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e-4.ToString("G3")); //0.000123
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e-3.ToString("G3")); //0.00123
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e-2.ToString("G3")); //0.0123
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e-1.ToString("G3")); //0.123
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e2.ToString("G3"));  //123
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e3.ToString("G3"));  //1.23E+03
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e4.ToString("G3"));  //1.23E+04
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e5.ToString("G3"));  //1.23E+05
    Console.WriteLine(1.2345e10.ToString("G3")); //1.23E+10
  • 7
    Although close, this doesn't always return sigfigs... for instance, G4 would remove the zeros from 1.000 --> 1. Also, it forces scientific notation at its discretion, whether you like it or not.
    – u8it
    Jul 29, 2016 at 20:58
  • 2
    Should probably agree with you on dropping significant zeros in 1.0001. As for the second statement -- the use of scientific notation is decided based on the fact which notation will take less space on print (it's an old FORTRAN rule for G format). So, in a way it is predictable, but if somebody generally prefers scientific format - it is not nice for them.
    – farfareast
    Aug 16, 2016 at 22:06
  • This is definitely the best solution for my problem. I submitted 30/31 with a precision of 28 digits to an API, and the API confirmed it by returning a 16-digit value which didn't match my original value. To match the values, I'm now comparing submittedValue.ToString("G12") with returnedValue.ToString("G12") (which is enough precision in my case).
    – fero
    Dec 10, 2021 at 13:47
  • Can't believe I had to come this far down to see one person who understood the question. Thank You.
    – Behrooz
    May 18, 2023 at 7:25

I found two bugs in the methods of P Daddy and Eric. This solves for example the precision error that was presented by Andrew Hancox in this Q&A. There was also a problem with round directions. 1050 with two significant figures isn't 1000.0, it's 1100.0. The rounding was fixed with MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero.

static void Main(string[] args) {
  double x = RoundToSignificantDigits(1050, 2); // Old = 1000.0, New = 1100.0
  double y = RoundToSignificantDigits(5084611353.0, 4); // Old = 5084999999.999999, New = 5085000000.0
  double z = RoundToSignificantDigits(50.846, 4); // Old = 50.849999999999994, New =  50.85

static double RoundToSignificantDigits(double d, int digits) {
  if (d == 0.0) {
    return 0.0;
  else {
    double leftSideNumbers = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d))) + 1;
    double scale = Math.Pow(10, leftSideNumbers);
    double result = scale * Math.Round(d / scale, digits, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

    // Clean possible precision error.
    if ((int)leftSideNumbers >= digits) {
      return Math.Round(result, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
    else {
      return Math.Round(result, digits - (int)leftSideNumbers, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
  • 3
    Fails for RoundToSignificantDigits(.00000000000000000846113537656557, 6) because Math.Round will not allow its second parameter to go beyond 15. Dec 14, 2012 at 2:48
  • I would argue, 1050 rounded to two significant digits is 1000. Round to even is a very common rounding method. Dec 15, 2017 at 14:14

Here is a solution that is - in one word - reliable. It just always works, and the reason for this is that it works with string formatting. With Log and Pow you will always be bitten by special values - there is no working around that, it's intricate.

Table of example values:

value               digits    returns
0.086                    1    "0.09"
1.0                      3    "1.00"
0.1                      3    "0.100"
0.00030908               2    "0.00031"
1239451                  3    "1240000"
5084611353               4    "5085000000"
8.46113537656557E-18     6    "0.00000000000000000846114"
50.8437                  4    "50.84"
50.846                   4    "50.85"
990                      1    "1000"
-5488                    1    "-5000"
-990                     1    "-1000"
7.89E-05                 2    "0.000079"
50.84611353765656        6    "50.8461"
0.073699979              7    "0.07369998"
0                        2    "0"

Here is the code:

public static class SignificantDigits
    public static readonly string DecimalSeparator;

    static SignificantDigits()
        System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
        DecimalSeparator = ci.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;

    /// <summary>
    /// Format a double to a given number of significant digits.
    /// </summary>
    public static string Format(double value, int digits, bool showTrailingZeros = true, bool alwaysShowDecimalSeparator = false)
        if (double.IsNaN(value) ||
            return value.ToString();

        string sign = "";
        string before = "0"; // Before the decimal separator
        string after = ""; // After the decimal separator

        if (value != 0d)
            if (digits < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The digits parameter must be greater than zero.");

            if (value < 0d)
                sign = "-";
                value = -value;

            // Custom exponential formatting using '#' will give us exactly our digits plus an exponent
            string scientific = value.ToString(new string('#', digits) + "E0");
            string significand = scientific.Substring(0, digits);
            int exponent = int.Parse(scientific.Substring(digits + 1));
            // (significand now already contains the requested number of digits with no decimal separator in it)

            var fractionalBreakup = new StringBuilder(significand);

            if (!showTrailingZeros)
                while (fractionalBreakup[fractionalBreakup.Length - 1] == '0')

            // Place the decimal separator (insert zeros if necessary)

            int separatorPosition;

            if ((fractionalBreakup.Length + exponent) < 1)
                fractionalBreakup.Insert(0, "0", 1 - fractionalBreakup.Length - exponent);
                separatorPosition = 1;
            else if (exponent > 0)
                fractionalBreakup.Append('0', exponent);
                separatorPosition = fractionalBreakup.Length;
                separatorPosition = fractionalBreakup.Length + exponent;

            before = fractionalBreakup.ToString();

            if (separatorPosition < before.Length)
                after = before.Substring(separatorPosition);
                before = before.Remove(separatorPosition);

        string result = sign + before;

        if (after == "")
            if (alwaysShowDecimalSeparator)
                result += DecimalSeparator + "0";
            result += DecimalSeparator + after;

        return result;

As a side note - you may be interested in my engineering notation answer under another question, here.


I agree with the spirit of Jon's assessment:

Awful as it sounds, converting to a number of significant digits as a string by converting the number to a "full" string and then finding the first significant digit (and then taking appropriate rounding action after that) may well be the best way to go.

I needed significant-digit rounding for approximate and non-performance-critical computational purposes, and the format-parse round-trip through "G" format is good enough:

public static double RoundToSignificantDigits(this double value, int numberOfSignificantDigits)
    return double.Parse(value.ToString("G" + numberOfSignificantDigits));

Math.Round() on doubles is flawed (see Notes to Callers in its documentation). The later step of multiplying the rounded number back up by its decimal exponent will introduce further floating point errors in the trailing digits. Using another Round() as @Rowanto does won't reliably help and suffers from other problems. However if you're willing to go via decimal then Math.Round() is reliable, as is multiplying and dividing by powers of 10:

static ClassName()
    powersOf10 = new decimal[28 + 1 + 28];
    powersOf10[28] = 1;
    decimal pup = 1, pdown = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < 29; i++) {
        pup *= 10;
        powersOf10[i + 28] = pup;
        pdown /= 10;
        powersOf10[28 - i] = pdown;

/// <summary>Powers of 10 indexed by power+28.  These are all the powers
/// of 10 that can be represented using decimal.</summary>
static decimal[] powersOf10;

static double RoundToSignificantDigits(double v, int digits)
    if (v == 0.0 || Double.IsNaN(v) || Double.IsInfinity(v)) {
        return v;
    } else {
        int decimal_exponent = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(v))) + 1;
        if (decimal_exponent < -28 + digits || decimal_exponent > 28 - digits) {
            // Decimals won't help outside their range of representation.
            // Insert flawed Double solutions here if you like.
            return v;
        } else {
            decimal d = (decimal)v;
            decimal scale = powersOf10[decimal_exponent + 28];
            return (double)(scale * Math.Round(d / scale, digits, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

This question is similiar to the one you're asking:

Formatting numbers with significant figures in C#

Thus you could do the following:

double Input2 = 234.004223;
string Result2 = Math.Floor(Input2) + Convert.ToDouble(String.Format("{0:G1}", Input2 - Math.Floor(Input2))).ToString("R6");

Rounded to 1 significant digit.

  • That returns 2340.0004 - it least with some localisations.
    – Gustav
    Jul 27, 2015 at 16:41

Let inputNumber be input that needs to be converted with significantDigitsRequired after decimal point, then significantDigitsResult is the answer to the following pseudo code.

integerPortion = Math.truncate(**inputNumber**)

decimalPortion = myNumber-IntegerPortion

if( decimalPortion <> 0 )

 significantDigitsStartFrom = Math.Ceil(-log10(decimalPortion))

 scaleRequiredForTruncation= Math.Pow(10,significantDigitsStartFrom-1+**significantDigitsRequired**)

**siginficantDigitsResult** = integerPortion + ( Math.Truncate (decimalPortion*scaleRequiredForTruncation))/scaleRequiredForTruncation


  **siginficantDigitsResult** = integerPortion


Tested on .NET 6.0

In my opinion, the rounded results are inconsistent due to the defects of the framework and the error of the floating point. Therefore, be careful about use.

decimal.Parse(doubleValue.ToString("E"), NumberStyles.Float);


using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;

List<double> doubleList = new();
doubleList.Add(    0.012345);
doubleList.Add(    0.12345 );
doubleList.Add(    1.2345  );
doubleList.Add(   12.345   );
doubleList.Add(  123.45    );
doubleList.Add( 1234.5     );
doubleList.Add(12345       );
doubleList.Add(10  );
doubleList.Add( 0  );
doubleList.Add( 1  );
doubleList.Add(-1  );
doubleList.Add( 0.1);

foreach (var item in doubleList)
    Debug.WriteLine(decimal.Parse(item.ToString("E2"), NumberStyles.Float));

    // 0.0123
    // 0.123
    // 1.23
    // 12.3
    // 123
    // 1230
    // 12300
    // 10.0
    // 0.00
    // 1.00
    // -1.00
    // 0.100

foreach (var item in doubleList)
    Debug.WriteLine(decimal.Parse(item.ToString("E3"), NumberStyles.Float));

    // 0.01235
    // 0.1235
    // 1.234
    // 12.35
    // 123.5
    // 1234
    // 12340
    // 10.00
    // 0.000
    // 1.000
    // -1.000
    // 0.1000

As pointed out by @Oliver Bock is that Math.Round() on doubles is flawed (see Notes to Callers in its documentation). The later step of multiplying the rounded number back up by its decimal exponent will introduce further floating point errors in the trailing digits. Generally, any multiplication by or division by a power of ten gives a non-exact result, since floating-point is typically represented in binary, not in decimal.

Using the following function will avoid floating point errors in the trailing digits:

static double RoundToSignificantDigits(double d, int digits)
    if (d == 0.0 || Double.IsNaN(d) || Double.IsInfinity(d))
        return d;
    // Compute shift of the decimal point.
    int shift = digits - 1 - (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d)));

    // Return if rounding to the same or higher precision.
    int decimalPlaces = 0;
    for (long pow = 1; Math.Floor(d * pow) != (d * pow); pow *= 10) decimalPlaces++;
    if (shift >= decimalPlaces)
        return d;

    // Round to sf-1 fractional digits of normalized mantissa x.dddd
    double scale = Math.Pow(10, Math.Abs(shift));
    return shift > 0 ?
           Math.Round(d * scale, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / scale :
           Math.Round(d / scale, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * scale;

However if you're willing to go via decimal then Math.Round() is reliable, as is multiplying and dividing by powers of 10:

static double RoundToSignificantDigits(double d, int digits)
    if (d == 0.0 || Double.IsNaN(d) || Double.IsInfinity(d))
        return d;
    decimal scale = (decimal)Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d))) + 1);
    return (double)(scale * Math.Round((decimal)d / scale, digits, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

Console.WriteLine("{0:G17}", RoundToSignificantDigits(5.015 * 100, 15)); // 501.5

for me, this one works pretty fine and is also valid for negative numbers:

public static double RoundToSignificantDigits(double number, int digits)
    int sign = Math.Sign(number);

    if (sign < 0)
        number *= -1;

    if (number == 0)
        return 0;

    double scale = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(number))) + 1);
    return sign * scale * Math.Round(number / scale, digits);

My solution may be helpful in some cases, I use it to display crypto prices which vary greatly in magnitude - it always gives me a specified number of significant figures but unlike ToString("G[number of digits]") it doesn't show small values in scientific notation (don't know a way to avoid this with ToString(), if there is then please let me know!)

    const int MIN_SIG_FIGS = 6; //will be one more for < 0
    int numZeros = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(price))); //get number of zeros before first digit, will be negative for price > 0
    int decPlaces = numZeros < MIN_SIG_FIGS
                  ? MIN_SIG_FIGS - numZeros < 0 
                        ? 0 
                        : MIN_SIG_FIGS - numZeros 
                  : 0; //dec. places: set to MIN_SIG_FIGS + number of zeros, unless numZeros greater than sig figs then no decimal places
    return price.ToString($"F{decPlaces}");

Here's a version inspired by Peter Mortensen that adds a couple of safeguards for edge cases such as value being NaN, Inf or very small:

public static double RoundToSignificantDigits(this double value, int digits)
    if (double.IsNaN(value) || double.IsInfinity(value))
        return value;
    if (value == 0.0)
        return 0.0;
    double leftSideNumbers = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(value))) + 1;
    int places = digits - (int)leftSideNumbers;
    if (places > 15)
        return 0.0;
    double scale = Math.Pow(10, leftSideNumbers);
    double result = scale * Math.Round(value / scale, digits, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
    if (places < 0)
        places = 0;
    return Math.Round(result, places, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

I just did:

int integer1 = Math.Round(double you want to round, 
    significant figures you want to round to)
  • That only gets you the number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point. Jul 22, 2014 at 22:06

Here is something I did in C++

    I had this same problem I was writing a design sheet and
    the standard values were rounded. So not to give my
    values an advantage in a later comparison I need the
    number rounded, so I wrote this bit of code.

    It will round any double to a given number of significant
    figures. But I have a limited range written into the
    subroutine. This is to save time as my numbers were not
    very large or very small. But you can easily change that
    to the full double range, but it will take more time.

    Ross Mckinstray
    [email protected]

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

#using namespace std;

double round_off(double input, int places) {
    double roundA;
    double range = pow(10, 10); // This limits the range of the rounder to 10/10^10 - 10*10^10 if you want more change range;
    for (double j = 10/range; j< 10*range;) {
        if (input >= j && input < j*10){
            double figures = pow(10, places)/10;
            roundA = roundf(input/(j/figures))*(j/figures);
        j = j*10;
    cout << "\n in sub after loop";
    if (input <= 10/(10*10) && input >= 10*10) {
        roundA = input;
        cout << "\nDID NOT ROUND change range";
    return roundA;

int main() {
    double number, sig_fig;

    do {
        cout << "\nEnter number ";
        cin >> number;
        cout << "\nEnter sig_fig ";
        cin >> sig_fig;
        double output = round_off(number, sig_fig);

        cout << setprecision(10);
        cout << "\n I= " << number;
        cout << "\n r= " <<output;
        cout << "\nEnter 0 as number to exit loop";
    while (number != 0);

    return 0;

Hopefully I did not change anything formatting it.


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