I got some problem with the linked list I've written. I dunno if it's either my insert function that the problem, or if it's my traverse function that's not correct. I hope for some input. A side note, I'm initalising the list in main now since I don't know if my initNode function is correct.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

typedef struct Node
   int data;
   Node *next;

void initNode(Node *head)
   head = new Node;
   head->next = NULL;

void insertNode(Node *head, int x)
   Node *temp;
   temp = new Node;
   temp->data = x;

   temp->next = head;
   head = temp;


void traverse(Node *head)
   Node *temp;
   temp = head;

   if(head == NULL)
      cout << "End of list. " << endl;
      while(temp != NULL)
         cout << temp->data << " ";
         temp = temp->next;


int main()
   Node *head;
   head = NULL;

   insertNode(head, 5);
   insertNode(head, 5);


   return 0;

2 Answers 2


Your head isn't being returned to main from insertNode. Note that even though head is a pointer, the pointer itself is a value and any changes to the pointer value are not reflected in main. The simplest solution is to pass back the updated value of head:

Node *insertNode(Node *head, int x)
  return head;

And update it in main:

head = insertNode(head, 5);

The other common way of doing this is to pass a pointer to a pointer and update it directly:

void insertNode(Node **head, int x)
   Node *temp;
   temp = new Node;
   temp->data = x;

   temp->next = *head;
   *head = temp;

And call it like this:

insertNode(&head, 5);

The way you have you initNode function written will result in memory leaks. You've passed in a pointer, but you need to pass in a reference to a pointer. (Same issue that James and casablanca mentioned for insertNode.)

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