Recalling this post enumerating several problems of using singletons and having seen several examples of Android applications using singleton pattern, I wonder if it's a good idea to use Singletons instead of single instances shared through global application state (subclassing android.os.Application and obtaining it through context.getApplication()).

What advantages/drawbacks would both mechanisms have?

To be honest, I expect the same answer in this post Singleton pattern with Web application, Not a good idea! but applied to Android. Am I correct? What's different in DalvikVM otherwise?

EDIT: I would like to have opinions on several aspects involved:

  • Synchronization
  • Reusability
  • Testing

10 Answers 10


I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn's response. We are bit by bit removing all singletons from our project in favor of lightweight, task scoped objects which can easiliy be re-created when you actually need them.

Singletons are a nightmare for testing and, if lazily initialized, will introduce "state indeterminism" with subtle side effects (which may suddenly surface when moving calls to getInstance() from one scope to another). Visibility has been mentioned as another problem, and since singletons imply "global" (= random) access to shared state, subtle bugs may arise when not properly synchronized in concurrent applications.

I consider it an anti-pattern, it's a bad object-oriented style that essentially amounts to maintaining global state.

To come back to your question:

Although the app context can be considered a singleton itself, it is framework-managed and has a well defined life-cycle, scope, and access path. Hence I believe that if you do need to manage app-global state, it should go here, nowhere else. For anything else, rethink if you really need a singleton object, or if it would also be possible to rewrite your singleton class to instead instantiate small, short-lived objects that perform the task at hand.

  • 132
    If you are recommending Application, you are recommending use of singletons. Honestly, there is no way around it. Application is a singleton, with crappier semantics. I won't get into religious arguments about singletons something you should never use. I prefer to be practical -- there are places where they are a good choice for maintaining per-process state and can simplify things by doing so, and you can just as well use them in the wrong situation and shoot yourself in the foot.
    – hackbod
    Aug 2, 2011 at 1:50
  • 18
    True, and I did mention that the "app context can be considered a singleton itself". The difference is that with the app instance, shooting yourself in the foot is a lot harder, since its life-cycle is handled by the framework. DI frameworks like Guice, Hivemind, or Spring also make use of singletons, but that's an implementation detail the developer should not care about. I think it's generally safer to rely on framework semantics being correctly implemented rather than your own code. Yes, I admit I do! :-)
    – mxk
    Aug 2, 2011 at 7:44
  • 96
    Honestly it does not prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot any more than a singleton does. It is a little confusing, but there is no lifecycle of Application. It is created when your app starts (before any of its components are instantiated) and its onCreate() called at that point, and... that is all. It sits there and lives forever, until the process is killed. Just like a singleton. :)
    – hackbod
    Aug 2, 2011 at 19:19
  • 30
    Oh one thing that may be confusing this -- Android is very much designed around running apps in processes, and managing the lifecycle of those processes. So on Android singletons are a very natural way to take advantage of that process management -- if you want to cache something in your process until the platform needs to reclaim the process's memory for something else, putting that state in a singleton will do that.
    – hackbod
    Aug 2, 2011 at 19:21
  • 7
    Okay fair enough. I can only say that I haven't looked back ever since we made the step away from self-managing singletons. We're now opting for a lightweight DI-style solution, where we do keep one factory singleton (RootFactory), which in turn is managed by the app instance (it's a delegate if you will). This singleton manages common dependencies all app components rely on, but instantiation is managed in one single location -- the app class. While with that approach one singleton remains, it is confined to the Application class, so no other code module know about that "detail".
    – mxk
    Aug 3, 2011 at 16:43

I very much recommend singletons. If you have a singleton that needs a context, have:

MySingleton.getInstance(Context c) {
    // ... needing to create ...
    sInstance = new MySingleton(c.getApplicationContext());

I prefer singletons over Application because it helps keep an app much more organized and modular -- instead of having one place where all of your global state across the app needs to be maintained, each separate piece can take care of itself. Also the fact that singletons lazily initialize (at request) instead of leading you down the path of doing all initialization up-front in Application.onCreate() is good.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with using singletons. Just use them correctly, when it makes sense. The Android framework actually has a lot of them, for it to maintain per-process caches of loaded resources and other such things.

Also for simple applications multithreading doesn't become an issue with singletons, because by design all standard callbacks to the app are dispatched on the main thread of the process so you won't have multi-threading happening unless you introduce it explicitly through threads or implicitly by publishing a content provider or service IBinder to other processes.

Just be thoughtful about what you are doing. :)

  • 1
    If some time later I want to listen to an external event, or share on a IBinder (I guess that wouldn't be a simple app) I would have to add double locking, synchronization, volatile, right? Thanks for your answer :) Sep 30, 2010 at 3:38
  • 2
    Not for an external event -- BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() is also called on the main thread.
    – hackbod
    Sep 30, 2010 at 18:29
  • 2
    Okay. Would you point me to some reading material (I would prefer code) where I can see the main thread dispatching mechanism? I think that will clarify several concepts at once for me. Thanks in advance. Oct 1, 2010 at 14:13
  • 2
    This is the main app-side dispatching code: android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/frameworks/…
    – hackbod
    Oct 2, 2010 at 7:21
  • 8
    There is nothing intrinsically wrong with using singletons. Just use them correctly, when it makes sense. .. sure, precisely, well said. The Android framework actually has a lot of them, for it to maintain per-process caches of loaded resources and other such things. Exactly as you say. From your friends in the iOS world, "everything is a singleton" in iOS .. nothing could be more natural on physical devices than a singleton concept: the gps, clock, the gyros, etc etc - conceptually how else would you engineer those than as singletons? So yeah.
    – Fattie
    May 20, 2014 at 9:52

From: Developer > reference - Application

There is normally no need to subclass Application. In most situation, static singletons can provide the same functionality in a more modular way. If your singleton needs a global context (for example to register broadcast receivers), the function to retrieve it can be given a Context which internally uses Context.getApplicationContext() when first constructing the singleton.

  • 1
    And if you write an interface for the singleton, leaving getInstance non-static, you can even make the default constructor of the singleton-using class inject the production singleton through a non-default constructor, which is also the constructor you use for crreating the singleton-using class in its unit tests. Jan 20, 2013 at 5:41

Application is not the same as the Singleton.The reasons are:

  1. Application's method(such as onCreate) is called in the ui thread;
  2. singleton's method can be called in any thread;
  3. In the method "onCreate" of Application,you can instantiate Handler;
  4. If the singleton is executed in none-ui thread,you could not instantiate Handler;
  5. Application has the ability to manage the life cycle of the activities in the app.It has the method "registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks".But the singletons has not the ability.
  • 1
    Note: you can instantiate Handler on any thread. from doc : "When you create a new Handler, it is bound to the thread / message queue of the thread that is creating it"
    – Christ
    Jun 23, 2014 at 7:58
  • 1
    @Christ Thank you!Just now I learned "mechanism of the Looper".If instantiate handler on the none-ui thread without the code 'Looper.prepare()',the system will report the error "java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()".
    – sunhang
    Jun 24, 2014 at 5:48

I had the same problem: Singleton or make a subclass android.os.Application?

First I tried with the Singleton but my app at some point makes a call to the browser

Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://www.google.com"));

and the problem is that, if the handset doesn't have enough memory, most of your classes (even Singletons) are cleaned to get some memory so, when returning from the browser to my app, it crashed everytime.

Solution: put needed data inside a subclass of Application class.

  • 1
    I often came across posts where peoples state that this may occur. I therefore simply attach objects to the application like singletons with the lazy loading etc. just to be sure that the lifecycle is documented and known. Just be sure to not save hundreds of images into your application object as I understand it will not be cleared from memory if your app is in the background and all activities are destroyed to free memory for other processes.
    – Janusz
    Oct 8, 2010 at 10:16
  • Well, Singleton lazy loading after application restart is not the right way to let objects be swept by the GC. WeakReferences are, right? Oct 8, 2010 at 14:13
  • 15
    Really? Dalvik unloads classes and loses program state? Are you sure it's not that it's garbage-collecting the sort of limited-lifecycle Activity-related objects which you shouldn't be putting into singletons in the first place? You have to give clrar examples for such an extraordinary claim! Jan 20, 2013 at 5:23
  • 1
    Unless there have been changes I'm unaware of, Dalvik does not unload classes. Ever. The behavior they're seeing is their process being killed in the background to make room for the browser. They were probably initializing the variable in their "main" activity, which may not have been created in the new process when coming back from the browser.
    – Groxx
    Mar 24, 2015 at 18:18

Consider both at the same time:

  • having singleton objects as static instances inside the classes.
  • having a common class (Context) that returns the singleton instances for all the singelton objects in your application, which has the advantage that the method names in Context will be meaningful for example: context.getLoggedinUser() instead of User.getInstance().

Furthermore, I suggest that you expand your Context to include not only access to singleton objects but some functionalities that need to be accessed globally, like for example: context.logOffUser(), context.readSavedData(), etc. Probably renaming the Context to Facade would make sense then.


They're actually the same. There's one difference I can see. With Application class you can initialize your variables in Application.onCreate() and destroy them in Application.onTerminate(). With singleton you have to rely VM initializing and destroying statics.


From the proverbial horse's mouth...

When developing your app, you may find it necessary to share data, context or services globally across your app. For example, if your app has session data, such as the currently logged-in user, you will likely want to expose this information. In Android, the pattern for solving this problem is to have your android.app.Application instance own all global data, and then treat your Application instance as a singleton with static accessors to the various data and services.

When writing an Android app, you're guaranteed to only have one instance of the android.app.Application class, and so it's safe (and recommended by Google Android team) to treat it as a singleton. That is, you can safely add a static getInstance() method to your Application implementation. Like so:

public class AndroidApplication extends Application {

    private static AndroidApplication sInstance;

    public static AndroidApplication getInstance(){
        return sInstance;

    public void onCreate() {
        sInstance = this;

My 2 cents:

I did notice that some singleton / static fields were reseted when my activity was destroyed. I noticed this on some low end 2.3 devices.

My case was very simple : I just have a private filed "init_done" and a static method "init" that I called from activity.onCreate(). I notice that the method init was re-executing itself on some re-creation of the activity.

While I cannot prove my affirmation, It may be related to WHEN the singleton/class was created/used first. When the activity get destroyed/recycled, it seem that all class that only this activity refer are recycled too.

I moved my instance of singleton to a sub class of Application. I acces them from the application instance. and, since then, did not notice the problem again.

I hope this can help someone.


My activity calls finish() (which doesn't make it finish immediately, but will do eventually) and calls Google Street Viewer. When I debug it on Eclipse, my connection to the app breaks when Street Viewer is called, which I understand as the (whole) application being closed, supposedly to free up memory (as a single activity being finished shouldn't cause this behavior). Nevertheless, I'm able to save state in a Bundle via onSaveInstanceState() and restore it in the onCreate() method of the next activity in the stack. Either by using a static singleton or subclassing Application I face the application closing and losing state (unless I save it in a Bundle). So from my experience they are the same with regards to state preservation. I noticed that the connection is lost in Android 4.1.2 and 4.2.2 but not on 4.0.7 or 3.2.4, which in my understanding suggests that the memory recovery mechanism has changed at some point.

  • "I noticed that the connection is lost in Android 4.1.2 and 4.2.2 but not on 4.0.7 or 3.2.4, which in my understanding suggests that the memory recovery mechanism has changed at some point." ..... I Would think your devices don't have the same amount of available memory, nor the same app installed. and therefore your conclusion maybe incorrect
    – Christ
    Jun 23, 2014 at 7:57
  • @Christ: Yes you must be right. It would be strange if the memory recovery mechanism changed between versions. Probably the different memory usage caused the distinct behaviors.
    – Piovezan
    Jun 23, 2014 at 11:21

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