I'm trying to pass the value of p to the alert function - unfortunately at the moment it just comes up as undefined. I think the problem is because when that function is called p doesn't exist anymore. How would I pass p to that function and make it retain the value?

function B(p,u) {
    var foo = {};
    foo[u] = function(p) {
        alert('visit internal page '+p);

B("about", "!/about");

2 Answers 2


Just leave it off the parameter list, like this:

function B(p,u) {
    var foo = {};
    foo[u] = function() {
        alert('visit internal page '+p);

Currently you're specifying a parameter p on the inner function, and unless that's provided when it's called (doesn't seem it is) that more local p variable will be undefined. Instead just don't specify it as a parameter, and it'll use the p from the parent scope.

  • Fantastic, that was easier than I expected! No idea why that works though, I'll have to do some research. Thanks for the answer!
    – RichW
    Nov 21, 2010 at 11:02
  • 1
    @RichW - any variables in the parent scope are available to use, any parameter on a function at any level however has to be specified, so when you have function(p) and just call it via foo[u](), it'll be undefined...since you didn't pass any parameters, but by leaving it off the only p it can possibly use is the one in the parent scope...does that make any more sense? Nov 21, 2010 at 11:08
  • Makes perfect sense now, thanks Nick! Unfortunately it's one of those problems that seems difficult to research on Google as you don't know what to type in!
    – RichW
    Nov 21, 2010 at 11:12

The problem is that you have two p variables at the same time.

function B(outer_p, u) { // <- first p
    var foo = {};
    foo[u] = function(inner_p) { // <- second p
        alert('visit internal page '+ outer_p); // depending on what 
    };                                          // you want to display here
  • I was hoping the value of p would inherit through the functions (guess it doesn't work like that!). Thanks for the info!
    – RichW
    Nov 21, 2010 at 11:03
  • What do you mean by inherit? Outer p is available in your inner function. But if you declare p in the inner function parameter list, it will be assigned undefined by default and will cover/hide the outer p because of name collision.
    – gblazex
    Nov 21, 2010 at 11:35

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