In C, at least every positive value except for 0 is treated as a boolean true. But what about a negative value? I did some tests and it seems that also negative values are treated as a boolean true. Is this a defined behaviour or implementation specific?

(I came to think about this when I saw in a question, someone promoting declaring "true" and "false" in an enum as 1 and 0.)


5 Answers 5


This is defined behavior. I'll look for the C99 standard paragraph stating as such

When any scalar value is converted to _Bool, the result is 0 if the value compares equal to 0; otherwise, the result is 1.

  • +1 The standard bool is good. I use an enum as a fallback in case a particular compiler lacks C99 support.
    – Chris Lutz
    Nov 23, 2010 at 9:20

I believe 0 is false and everything else is true.

See @casper's reply here: thread

I would take a hint from C here, where false is defined absolutely as 0, and true is defined as not false. This is an important distinction, when compared to an absolute value for true. Unless you have a type that only has two states, you have to account for all values within that value type, what is true, and what is false.


This is the correct behavior, in C 0 is False and everything else is True


In C, there is no boolean type; 0 and 0.0f are considered "false" in boolean contexts, everything else is "true".

Declaring "true" and "false" in an enum is wrong, because then the following code will break:

if (2 == TRUE)

(2 should evaluate as "true", but if TRUE has been defined as 1, the two values aren't considered equal).

  • 1
    Anyone testing if a value is equal to true is wrong, as the test shouldn't be being made in the first place. An enum is fine in certain situations.
    – Chris Lutz
    Nov 23, 2010 at 9:13
  • There is a boolean type in C99, see my answer
    – SiegeX
    Nov 23, 2010 at 9:15
  • 1
    Being a nitpick here, but the enum, when used, looks like a proper boolean type but doesn't behave like one. That's why I prefer not to have it in the first place, and just use 0 and 1 instead.
    – tdammers
    Nov 23, 2010 at 9:17
  • Fair enough. I wouldn't write if(x == true) even if it were a proper boolean type. I just like to have a functional boolean type to return from functions sometimes.
    – Chris Lutz
    Nov 23, 2010 at 9:19

C defines 0 as false and everything else as true. Positive, negative, whatever.

I believe I recently advocated the use of typedef enum { false, true } bool; so I'll own up to it. (If my original code didn't have a typedef involved, that was an error of judgement on my part.) All nonzero values are true, so I wouldn't advocate using an enumerated bool type for things like this:

if(x == true) // not what you want
if(!x == false) // works, but why so much effort?

I generally perfer simply if(x) or if(!x) to explicit tests against boolean values. However, sometimes it's good to have a boolean type:

bool is_something(int x)
{ // assume for the sake of an argument that the test is reasonably complex
    if(/* something */) return false;
    if(/* something else */) return true;
    return false;

This is no better than having the type be int, but at least you're being explicit with what the result is meant for.

Also, as per someone else above, a better bool might be:

typedef enum { false, true = !false } bool;

I believe ! is guaranteed to return 0 or 1, but I could be wrong, and the above works well either way.

  • Just don't do that. bool, true and false are defined in "stdbool.h" and do the right thing. Nov 23, 2010 at 10:07
  • @Jens - Not all systems will have C99 support, maybe someone's compiler is really old or is made by Microsoft, and it's so easy to define a fill-in bool type in case someone doesn't have one that if you're going to use a bool type in the first place you might as well have a backup.
    – Chris Lutz
    Nov 23, 2010 at 10:13
  • Then you'd better do how it is foreseen in C89, namely to have int for Boolean values. And define your replacement in a separate file that defines them as macros bool == int, false == 0 and true == 1. Otherwise, once you'd have a C99 compiler, this would be a real pain to port. Nov 23, 2010 at 12:59
  • @Jens - Disagree. I don't think it matters whether you define them as macros or as an enum so long as you define it to work the same, use it consistently (i.e. make no assumptions about the value of true, don't test non-bool values against bool values, etc.), and define it conditionally for anything not supporting C99, there's no way it won't work. And bool isn't tremendously useful anyway, so even if something breaks, it can't really break too badly.
    – Chris Lutz
    Nov 24, 2010 at 9:06

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