Hello there i have the following code:

path = some destination on your harddrive

def K(path):

        getfile = open(path + '/test.txt')
        line = getfile.readlines()
        print line

        line = getfile.readlines()
        d = dict()
        val= d[k]

to import a textfile, now my problem is to avoid the \n, which i assume can be done using the eval() function. I want to convert the string i get as input, to floats i can work with..

Thanx for any tips in advance

  • 1
    It would help if you describe the format of your text file. Using eval to avoid \n is something indescribable.
    – khachik
    Dec 10, 2010 at 9:43
  • What is this code supposed to do? Dec 10, 2010 at 9:43
  • it takes some file.txt on my harddrive and imports the text to python shell as a string, so if the file for instant had 1,2 (newline) 2,3 (newline) 7,5 the input i get in shell is ['1,2\n', '2,3\n', '7,5'] and i want it to be numbers i can work with :) hope that helped
    – user457142
    Dec 10, 2010 at 9:47
  • ... So let's be clear: each line int the file has, as text, a comma-delimited list of integers on it, and you want to convert this text into a Python list of int objects? Dec 10, 2010 at 12:48

5 Answers 5



>>> float("\n1234\n")

I won't comment your code, just will post an example you can examine and modify to get it working. This function reads the content of a text file and converts tokens separated by whitespaces to floats if possible:

def getFloats(filepath):
  fd = open(filepath) # open the file
    content = fd.read().split() # read fully
    def flo(value):  # a function that returns a float for the given str or None
      try: return float(value)
      except ValueError: return None # skip invalid values
    # iterate through content and make items float or None,
    # iterate over the result to choose floats only
    return [x for x in [flo(y) for y in content] if x]

your code is quite confused... to read a file that contains one float per line you can simply do:

val = map(float, open("test.txt"))

val will be a list containing your data with each element being a float

  • val = [float(line) for line in open('test.txt')] would be both clearer and more memory-efficient (because iterating through lines in a file doesn't read all the lines at once, unlike readlines()).
    – Ben Hoyt
    Dec 10, 2010 at 14:41
  • @benhoyt: You're right... I often end up using L=open(xxx).readlines() when I need to play with many lines at the same time and it's something that dangerously got to the finger level now.
    – 6502
    Dec 10, 2010 at 15:26

ast.literal_eval() will turn each line into tuples that you can then iterate or index for the values.


Here's a function read_numbers() which returns a list of lists of floats.

def read_numbers(filename):
    numbers = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            lst = [float(word) for word in line.split(',')]
    return numbers

If your file contains:

1, 2
2, 3
7, 5

Then read_numbers('filename') would return:

[[1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 3.0], [7.0, 5.0]]

You may want to do error handling (or simply ignore errors) by expanding out the inner list comprehension and wrapping the call to float() in a try ... except ValueError.

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