I'm worndering how I can add 2 rows, of which 1 depends on another, in 1 transaction.

INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('malcom.reynolds')

INSERT INTO spaceships (name, owner) 
VALUES ('Serenity', <<Malcom Reynold's row ID>>)

Reason I an doing is that the library I'm using does not return the rowid, and I need to commit the transaction as less as possible as I'm adding over a few million records!

Just for the record I'm using:

  • SQL Server 2008
  • Python
  • pyodbc

Any idea? Would be really awesome :)


4 Answers 4


You can do this in one batch statement:

declare @key as int;
insert into users (username)
values ('malcom.reynolds');
set @key = (select scope_identity());
insert into spaceships (name, owner)
values ('Serenity', @key)
  • thanks for adding the declare line, it worked perfectly! :)
    – RadiantHex
    Dec 16, 2010 at 13:13

Look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259185%28SQL.80%29.aspx

INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('malcom.reynolds');

INSERT INTO spaceships (name, owner) 

You can use the T-SQL scope_identity to return the new ID from the first INSERT statement.

Before your first INSERT, declare a variable to hold the value of the new ID:

DECLARE @ReturnValue int;

Right after your first INSERT, add this to set the value of that variable:

SELECT @ReturnValue = scope_identity()

Then, you can use the @ReturnValue variable in your second INSERT in place of :

INSERT INTO spaceships (name, owner) 
VALUES ('Serenity', @ReturnValue)
  • thanks for your awesome reply, it did not work initially as I had to declare the variable and I am a bit inexperienced with T-SQL. Thanks for the explanations :D
    – RadiantHex
    Dec 16, 2010 at 13:14
  • @RadiantHex: Thanks for the feedback. I've updated my example for future readers.
    – DOK
    Dec 16, 2010 at 13:27

Or you can use OUTPUT. This is hadnier when you need to return more than one field or are doing a multitrow insert to begin with. You can use a table variable if you are doing multiple rows instead of an int variable.

DECLARE @key int
insert into users (username)
output inserted.userid 
values ('malcom.reynolds'); 

insert into spaceships (name, owner) 
values ('Serenity', @key) 

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