Is it possible to use:

- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

in viewcontroller.m file?


3 Answers 3


hitTest:withEvent: method is declared in UIView class so you it can't be used in UIViewController subclasses directly.

But other touch-tracking methods such as touchesBegan:withEvent: etc are declared in UIResponder and so can be implemented in both UIView and UIViewController subclasses


Perhaps an alternative workaround is simply to subclass UIView , and in your init function of view controller assign the view controllers view to that UIView.

Eg. NavPanelViewController.m

- (id)init

    theView = [[NavPanelView alloc]init]; // declare theView in your header and in dealloc release
    self.view = theView;

Then you can override the pointInside method in your subclass.

  • 1
    I don't know why your is not the accepted answer, as it is the only one that truly answers the question.
    – Duck
    Commented Mar 24, 2012 at 12:06
  • 5
    Best practice would be to set a custom UIView in -loadView. The reason being to avoid prematurely loading the view.
    – codeperson
    Commented Jan 9, 2014 at 17:44

You can always define a specific delegate for handling the hitTest relevant info. In the hitTest:withEvent: in your UIView class's .m (implementation) file call the delegate's method, passing all your relevant info to the delegate to handle. Declare your ViewController class to implement the delegate like this:

@implementation MyViewController: UIViewController <HitTestDelegate>

This way, the actual implementation of the logic following user's tap will be in the MyViewController class.

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