Say I have some windows method and a struct:

struct SomeStruct{
int foo;
int bar;
int baz;
int bat;

SomeMethod(int a,int wParam, int lParam)
   SomeStruct s;

   // get lParam into SomeStruct

How to I get the lParam into a SomeStruct variable? I'm thinking that I need something like this (but feel free to point out my ignorance):

SomeMethod(int a, int wParam, int lParam)
  SomeStruct *s; //declare struct variable
  s = lParam;    //assign integer value as pointer to struct
  printf("the value of s.foo is %d", s.foo);  //print result
  • Is there a specific method you are working with? I think your answer will work for most, but some methods are different.
    – user4891
    Jan 19, 2009 at 16:11
  • Your SomeMethod should probably be: SomeMethod(int a, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) ... can't recall whether 'int' is always as wide as an LPARAM (aka LONG_PTR), but even if it is, any developer coming after you may wonder the same thing, so better to use LPARAM, etc. Nov 21, 2015 at 20:28

5 Answers 5


Yes, assuming that lParam 'really' contains a pointer to the struct, then you get at it by 'casting':

  SomeStruct* s; //declare pointer-to-struct variable
  s = (SomeStruct*) lParam;    //assign integer value as pointer to struct
  printf("the value of s->foo is %d", s->foo);  //print result
  • Just be ware that it's up to you to make sure it is what you say it is.
    – Eclipse
    Jan 19, 2009 at 16:15
  • Yeah, it's supposed to be a pointer to that type struct. thanks
    – scottm
    Jan 19, 2009 at 16:16
  • Integers aren't smaller than pointers because he tagged it "Win32", not "Win64"; in any case, lParam ought to be a LONG, not an INT (perhaps he oversimplified it somehow in his OP).
    – ChrisW
    Jan 21, 2009 at 16:52
  • LParam is in fact an LPARAM, i.e. a LONG_PTR, and thus big enough for a SomeStruct*
    – MSalters
    Jan 23, 2009 at 12:57

lParam and wParam are usually names for variables of the WPARAM and LPARAM types respectively. WPARAM and LPARAM types of variables are used to declare parameters in SendMessage, PostMessage, WindowProc,DefWindowProc - MS Windows API as well as in the message handlers (frequently but inappropriately called event handlers). Historicaly, in 16-bit versions of windows, WPARAM was defined as WORD (16-bit) value and LPARAM was defined as LONG; that explains names. Both parameters are uses as untyped cookies, that carry some information in a message, either value or the address of the entity containing more information that is processed by a message handler. In 16-bit world, WPARAM was used to carry near address and LPARAM used to carry far address. WPARAM and LPARAM are types now defined as 32-bit values. In SDKs (Software Developer Kit) in WinDef.h. WPARAM is defined as UINT in earlier versions of SDK and now as UINT_PTR. LPARAM stays defined as LONG in earlier versions of SDK and now as LONG_PTR


Just be careful when you cast integers to pointers. On x64 architectures, int remains a 32-bit integer, but pointers are 64-bit.


Please use the correct types, or your code will fail on Win64.

SomeMethod(int a, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  SomeStruct *s = (SomeStruct *) lParam;
  printf("the value of s.foo is %d", s.foo);  //print result

Sorry, but It's a huge mistake to try to convert integers into pointers. To use an undefined type pointer, just use the void pointer. Instead of:

struct SomeStruct {
    int foo;
    int bar;
    int baz;
    int bat;

SomeMethod(int a, int wParam, int lParam)
    SomeStruct *s; //declare struct variable
    s = lParam;    //assign integer value as pointer to struct
    printf("the value of s.foo is %d", s.foo);  //print result

You might use:

struct SomeStruct {
    int foo;
    int bar;
    int baz;
    int bat;

SomeMethod(int a, int wParam, void *lParam)
    struct SomeStruct *s; //declare struct variable
    s = (struct SomeStruct *)lParam; //assign integer value as pointer to struct
    printf("the value of s.foo is %d", s->foo); //print result

Where also a concrete pointer to the structure may work:

SomeMethod(int a, int wParam, struct SomeStruct *lParam)
    printf("the value of s.foo is %d", lParam->foo);  //print result

Try reading some tip about C, like C-FAQ.

  • 1
    ...but in some situations in Windows programming, you need to use an LPARAM.
    – reuben
    Feb 1, 2009 at 22:01

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