What I have is following:

<xsl:variable name="myvar" select=".//spss:category[((not @varName) or @varName=$colVarName) and @text=$series]/spss:cell/@text"/>

What it should do is select the text of the spss:cell's text-Attribute as long as it is a child of a spss:category that has

  • either a varName Attribute with a value equal to $colVarName
  • OR no varName Attribute at all

What is happening is following error message (sorry translating here, so just the gist of it):

Expected Token ')'. Found Token '@'.
.//spss:category[((not -->@<-- varName) or @varName=$colVarName...

Problem Solved! (See below)

  • Then delete your question in order not to mislead people to spend time on it Jan 22, 2009 at 14:27
  • 1
    Dimitre, I can only accept my own answer 48 hours from now. I allready tried that. Also, I would like to keep this in the system, since it was not obviously found by google (the only post I found to the question I asked had the wrong syntax!) Jan 22, 2009 at 14:58

2 Answers 2


OK, I think I found the mistake:

not must be used with parenthesis, so instead of

(not @varName) or @varName=$colVarName

it should have been

not(@varName) or @varName=$colVarName

indeed - not() is a function that returns the boolean opposite of whatever is between the parens. If necessary - it will cast its argument to a boolean. In this case, an empty node set casts automatically to false, so if @varName gives you an empty node set, not(@varName) will be true.

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