I quite possibly am doing this the wrong way but;

I have a list of objects in LINQ;

  string name
  string somethingElse

List<MyObj> myObjects;

Now I'm trying to see if any object in that list has a string value;

So I have;

if (Model.myObjects.Contains("thisobject", new MyObjComparer()))

In the comparer I have;

public class MyObjComparer: IEqualityComparer<MyObj>
    public bool Equals(string containsString, MyObj obj)
        return obj.name == containsString;

How can I use a comparer to check against a string value in an objects field?

3 Answers 3


An easier method is to do this:

if (Model.myObjects.Any(o => o.name == "thisobject"))
  • Ah, I forgot about the overload of Any that takes a predicate delegate. +1 for that! Jan 25, 2011 at 0:13
  • Thanks for thisand for @Harry for pointing out that I'm not using comparer corrently.
    – griegs
    Jan 25, 2011 at 0:16

You can use FindAll method as follows:

foreach(var item in Model.myObjects.FindAll(x=>x.Contains("thisobject")))
 //Do your stuff with item  
  • I really only want to check to see if there is a single item in the list that matches. I know I can do a count but would like to use the comparer
    – griegs
    Jan 25, 2011 at 0:12

The equality comparer is only good to tell if two objects of the same type are equal. I don't know your use-case, but could you simply do something like

if (Model.myObjects.Where(x => x.name == "thisobject").Any())
    // Do something

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