Since the trigonometric functions in java.lang.Math are quite slow: is there a library that does a quick and good approximation? It seems possible to do a calculation several times faster without losing much precision. (On my machine a multiplication takes 1.5ns, and java.lang.Math.sin 46ns to 116ns). Unfortunately there is not yet a way to use the hardware functions.

UPDATE: The functions should be accurate enough, say, for GPS calculations. That means you would need at least 7 decimal digits accuracy, which rules out simple lookup tables. And it should be much faster than java.lang.Math.sin on your basic x86 system. Otherwise there would be no point in it.

For values over pi/4 Java does some expensive computations in addition to the hardware functions. It does so for a good reason, but sometimes you care more about the speed than for last bit accuracy.

  • How quick, and how good? You can always just use the first few terms of the Taylor series... that's very quick and as good as you care to make it.
    – kquinn
    Feb 7, 2009 at 9:47
  • NEVER use Taylor series. See my answer stackoverflow.com/questions/345085/…
    – Jason S
    Feb 7, 2009 at 22:33
  • Completely wrong, there's a time and place for every approximation. Sure, I wouldn't normally use more than two or three terms of a Taylor approximation, but for sine, cosine, and exponentials they converge quite nicely. Take a numerical analysis class or two and you might learn something.
    – kquinn
    Feb 7, 2009 at 22:46
  • I stand by my comment. Never use Taylor series. They're optimized for function evaluation very close to a single point. x - x^3/6 starts to lose at values over about pi/4 and even then the accuracy is crude. A least-squares fit is pretty easy to do.
    – Jason S
    Feb 9, 2009 at 14:47
  • 1
    Taylor series can be surprisingly accurate: Taylor series approximations, illustrated.
    – dotancohen
    Jul 18, 2012 at 10:16

12 Answers 12


Computer Approximations by Hart. Tabulates Chebyshev-economized approximate formulas for a bunch of functions at different precisions.

Edit: Getting my copy off the shelf, it turned out to be a different book that just sounds very similar. Here's a sin function using its tables. (Tested in C since that's handier for me.) I don't know if this will be faster than the Java built-in, but it's guaranteed to be less accurate, at least. :) You may need to range-reduce the argument first; see John Cook's suggestions. The book also has arcsin and arctan.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Return an approx to sin(pi/2 * x) where -1 <= x <= 1.
// In that range it has a max absolute error of 5e-9
// according to Hastings, Approximations For Digital Computers.
static double xsin (double x) {
  double x2 = x * x;
  return ((((.00015148419 * x2
             - .00467376557) * x2
            + .07968967928) * x2
           - .64596371106) * x2
          + 1.57079631847) * x;

int main () {
  double pi = 4 * atan (1);
  printf ("%.10f\n", xsin (0.77));
  printf ("%.10f\n", sin (0.77 * (pi/2)));
  return 0;

Here is a collection of low-level tricks for quickly approximating trig functions. There is example code in C which I find hard to follow, but the techniques are just as easily implemented in Java.

Here's my equivalent implementation of invsqrt and atan2 in Java.

I could have done something similar for the other trig functions, but I have not found it necessary as profiling showed that only sqrt and atan/atan2 were major bottlenecks.

public class FastTrig
  /** Fast approximation of 1.0 / sqrt(x).
   * See <a href="http://www.beyond3d.com/content/articles/8/">http://www.beyond3d.com/content/articles/8/</a>
   * @param x Positive value to estimate inverse of square root of
   * @return Approximately 1.0 / sqrt(x)
  public static double
  invSqrt(double x)
    double xhalf = 0.5 * x; 
    long i = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x);
    i = 0x5FE6EB50C7B537AAL - (i>>1); 
    x = Double.longBitsToDouble(i);
    x = x * (1.5 - xhalf*x*x); 
    return x; 

  /** Approximation of arctangent.
   *  Slightly faster and substantially less accurate than
   *  {@link Math#atan2(double, double)}.
  public static double fast_atan2(double y, double x)
    double d2 = x*x + y*y;

    // Bail out if d2 is NaN, zero or subnormal
    if (Double.isNaN(d2) ||
        (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d2) < 0x10000000000000L))
      return Double.NaN;

    // Normalise such that 0.0 <= y <= x
    boolean negY = y < 0.0;
    if (negY) {y = -y;}
    boolean negX = x < 0.0;
    if (negX) {x = -x;}
    boolean steep = y > x;
    if (steep)
      double t = x;
      x = y;
      y = t;

    // Scale to unit circle (0.0 <= y <= x <= 1.0)
    double rinv = invSqrt(d2); // rinv ≅ 1.0 / hypot(x, y)
    x *= rinv; // x ≅ cos θ
    y *= rinv; // y ≅ sin θ, hence θ ≅ asin y

    // Hack: we want: ind = floor(y * 256)
    // We deliberately force truncation by adding floating-point numbers whose
    // exponents differ greatly.  The FPU will right-shift y to match exponents,
    // dropping all but the first 9 significant bits, which become the 9 LSBs
    // of the resulting mantissa.
    // Inspired by a similar piece of C code at
    // http://www.shellandslate.com/computermath101.html
    double yp = FRAC_BIAS + y;
    int ind = (int) Double.doubleToRawLongBits(yp);

    // Find φ (a first approximation of θ) from the LUT
    double φ = ASIN_TAB[ind];
    double cφ = COS_TAB[ind]; // cos(φ)

    // sin(φ) == ind / 256.0
    // Note that sφ is truncated, hence not identical to y.
    double sφ = yp - FRAC_BIAS;
    double sd = y * cφ - x * sφ; // sin(θ-φ) ≡ sinθ cosφ - cosθ sinφ

    // asin(sd) ≅ sd + ⅙sd³ (from first 2 terms of Maclaurin series)
    double d = (6.0 + sd * sd) * sd * ONE_SIXTH;
    double θ = φ + d;

    // Translate back to correct octant
    if (steep) { θ = Math.PI * 0.5 - θ; }
    if (negX) { θ = Math.PI - θ; }
    if (negY) { θ = -θ; }

    return θ;

  private static final double ONE_SIXTH = 1.0 / 6.0;
  private static final int FRAC_EXP = 8; // LUT precision == 2 ** -8 == 1/256
  private static final int LUT_SIZE = (1 << FRAC_EXP) + 1;
  private static final double FRAC_BIAS =
    Double.longBitsToDouble((0x433L - FRAC_EXP) << 52);
  private static final double[] ASIN_TAB = new double[LUT_SIZE];
  private static final double[] COS_TAB = new double[LUT_SIZE];

    /* Populate trig tables */
    for (int ind = 0; ind < LUT_SIZE; ++ ind)
      double v = ind / (double) (1 << FRAC_EXP);
      double asinv = Math.asin(v);
      COS_TAB[ind] = Math.cos(asinv);
      ASIN_TAB[ind] = asinv;
  • I'm not going to downvote due to the variable names, but would you like to maintain code with identifiers such as משתנה and פונקציה?
    – dotancohen
    Jul 17, 2012 at 12:41
  • @dotancohen: Is that how my variable names render for you? I posted them in UTF-8. Sounds like your browser is guessing the encoding incorrectly (CP1255?)
    – finnw
    Jul 17, 2012 at 13:13
  • No, my browser properly renders the Greek. However, if Greek identifiers are fair game, then why not Hebrew, or even Korean? I was trying to illustrate that although our tools can be abused, we really shouldn't abuse them for the sake of those who come after us. Even in code that is mean for "internal use only", your son or undergrad might inherit it! And yes, my three year old said "public static void main" today!
    – dotancohen
    Jul 17, 2012 at 15:49
  • 5
    @dotancohen, because I am using those Greek letters only for well-established meanings (i.e. known to most English speakers with a bit of math knowledge.)
    – finnw
    Jul 17, 2012 at 16:53
  • 2
    loving the unicode variable names! They actually make the math code much clearer! Mar 14, 2014 at 3:15

I'm surprised that the built-in Java functions would be so slow. Surely the JVM is calling the native trig functions on your CPU, not implementing the algorithms in Java. Are you certain your bottleneck is calls to trig functions and not some surrounding code? Maybe some memory allocations?

Could you rewrite in C++ the part of your code that does the math? Just calling C++ code to compute trig functions probably wouldn't speed things up, but moving some context too, like an outer loop, to C++ might speed things up.

If you must roll your own trig functions, don't use Taylor series alone. The CORDIC algorithms are much faster unless your argument is very small. You could use CORDIC to get started, then polish the result with a short Taylor series. See this StackOverflow question on how to implement trig functions.


On the x86 the java.lang.Math sin and cos functions do not directly call the hardware functions because Intel didn't always do such a good job implimenting them. There is a nice explanation in bug #4857011.


You might want to think hard about an inexact result. It's amusing how often I spend time finding this in others code.

"But the comment says Sin..."

  • I don't understand your comment after the link. What kind of bug are you talking about? Feb 8, 2009 at 12:22
  • 1
    Especially liked the "Neither the almabench code nor the code submitted in this bug actually examine the results to verify they are sensible." comment in the closing message. Nov 3, 2009 at 14:38
  • If code is wants to compute the sine or cosine of an angle measured in something other than radians (probably true 99% of the time sine and cosine are involved), accuracy will be optimal if the sin and cos functions pretend that the value of pi is whatever was used in the angle-to-radians conversion. What that document refers to as "inaccuracies in sin(x) improve the accuracy with which Math.sin(x*(2.0*Math.Pi)) computes sin(2πx). Likewise the supposed improvements actually make the evaluation of sin(2πx) generally less accurate. Indeed, for some values of x, ...
    – supercat
    Jun 7, 2014 at 17:54
  • ...using mod(Math.PI * 2.0) reduction would allow the formula to compute sin(2πx) pretty well even when x was large, with errors distributed to either side of zero. The "improved" reduction does nothing to eliminate rounding errors in the multiplication, but adds an additional systematic bias which underestimates angles by a factor of about 3E-17.
    – supercat
    Jun 7, 2014 at 18:04

You could pre-store your sin and cos in an array if you only need some approximate values. For example, if you want to store the values from 0° to 360°:

double sin[]=new double[360];
for(int i=0;i< sin.length;++i) sin[i]=Math.sin(i/180.0*Math.PI):

you then use this array using degrees/integers instead of radians/double.

  • Yes, but this is very inaccurate. I was thinking of something better, like polynomial interpolation. Feb 7, 2009 at 11:30
  • Reminds of the good old pre-calculation days like doom ... Anyway, you can increase the accuracy by not generating just 360 values but e.g. 0xffff values.
    – mark
    Feb 7, 2009 at 12:45
  • 1
    @hstoerr: why inaccurate? It is as precise as the length of the array (ie. the granularity of the angle). That's the good old tradeoff between speed and memory, and performance is optimal here.
    – PhiLho
    Feb 7, 2009 at 17:40
  • If you want to have 7 decimal digits accuracy, as you would need for GPS calculations, you would need 10000000 values. You probably don't want to precalculate that much, do you? Feb 7, 2009 at 19:17

I haven't heard of any libs, probably because it's rare enough to see trig heavy Java apps. It's also easy enough to roll your own with JNI (same precision, better performance), numerical methods (variable precision / performance ) or a simple approximation table.

As with any optimization, best to test that these functions are actually a bottleneck before bothering to reinvent the wheel.

  • Using JNI for a single Math.sin call probably won't work because of the overhead. Perhaps if you put more of your program in C, but then you could've written it in C to start with.
    – wds
    Feb 7, 2009 at 13:34
  • 3
    Faced with a similar problem a few years ago, the JNI overhead to call an empty function was slower than a call Math.sin(). That was with 1.3 or 1.4, so it may have changed, but afaik it's not significantly different now. Feb 7, 2009 at 21:28

Trigonometric functions are the classical example for a lookup table. See the excellent

If you're searching a library for J2ME you can try:

  • the Fixed Point Integer Math Library MathFP

The java.lang.Math functions call the hardware functions. There should be simple appromiations you can make but they won't be as accurate.

On my labtop, sin and cos takes about 144 ns.

  • 1
    As far as I know they do not use the hardware functions. The Javadoc of Math.sin says the result must be accurate up to the next to last bit, which hardware implementations might not meet. So it is in software. Feb 7, 2009 at 11:27
  • I tried on my system - 2ns for a multiplication, 46ns for Math.sin. That can't be hardware - sin isn't THAT much slower. Feb 7, 2009 at 19:18
  • 1
    Yeah, it can. On the x87 FPU, multiplies are around 4 cycles, and sine is in the range of 100. So that result is entirely consistent with a 2GHz processor evaluating them in hardware.
    – kquinn
    Feb 7, 2009 at 23:07
  • OK, I'll have to check the same thing in C++ or something. Still: the time to calculate depends on the argument. If you calculate the sin of 0.1 it takes 46ns, if you calculate the sin of 6.28 it's 115ns. That's not the hardware, isn't it? Feb 8, 2009 at 9:25
  • hstoerr: the bug cited by Bruce ONeel has details why bigger arguments lead to longer calculation times. Basically, Intel's sin/cos implementation sucks golfballs through gardenhoses for arguments outside of [-pi/4,pi/4] and the JVM has to manually map the argument into this range. Nov 3, 2009 at 14:41

In the sin/cos test I was performing for integers zero to one million. I assume that 144 ns is not fast enough for you.

Do you have a specific requirement for the speed you need?

Can you qualify your requirement in terms of time per operation which is satisfactory?


Check out Apache Commons Math package if you want to use existing stuff.

If performance is really of the essence, then you can go about implementing these functions yourself using standard math methods - Taylor/Maclaurin series', specifically.

For example, here are several Taylor series expansions that might be useful (taken from wikipedia):

alt text

alt text

alt text


Could you elaborate on what you need to do if these routines are too slow. You might be able to do some coordinate transformations ahead of time some way or another.

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