I have some "select box" in my page and I don't want to let the user choose any option, but the first (please, don't ask me why). I can't change for 'input' with 'readonly' attribute and I can't remove the options either. I'm sorry for the limitations, but it has to be this way.

I tried this:


But happens that I don't want to 'loose' the value. I have an ajax call that use those values and when I disable it, the value 'don't exist' anymore.

I tried this too:

      return false;

But without success.

  • 1
    No need for javascript at all, just disable the options rather than the select
    – Gareth
    Mar 21, 2011 at 19:18

5 Answers 5


You can do it with one line of code.


Check working example at http://jsfiddle.net/yaGJc/1/

You can also make use of the :gt() greater then selector, although the first one gives more control on which option to have enabled.


Check working example at http://jsfiddle.net/yaGJc/2/


disable the options with jquery:

$('#selector option:gt(0)').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Here is the fiddle

Should produce HTML like this:

<select multiple>
    <option disabled>test2</option>
    <option disabled>test3</option>
    <option disabled>test4</option>
    <option disabled>test5</option>
    <option disabled>test6</option>

Maybe you can try this

$('.select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

I fought with this before...

var firstValue = $('select:first').val();
$('select:first').attr('disabled', true);

Then use the firstValue variable in the ajax call.


not sure y u would want to do something like tat but you can try

$("select option").each(function (index, obj) {
    if( index > 1 )
        $(obj).attr("disabled", "disabled");

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