I write a java application to handle log file had millions of line In program there is such a pseudo code

if(optionA is On)
  call object A's method

if(optionB is On)
  call object B's method

if(optionC is On)
  call object C's method

The options in IFs are config value get from a config file This pseudo code called in each log line, so it called millions of time

Because of speed and simplicity, I want to remove this multi IFs. To see such a many IFs are unpleasant to me. Is theare a good way to get around this annoying IFs?

  • 3
    Are you worried about 1) the scalability of the approach (you keep adding if statements), 2) the aesthetics of the approach (you don't want to read all those statements), 3) the performance of the approach (it's too slow), or some combination of these? If you're clearer why you want to reduce the number of ifs, we can probably help out more Mar 25, 2011 at 8:47
  • Dont know java but cant you use an interface/virtual methods and use a list both for the objects and options.. Something like for(i=0;i<objectlist.count();i++) if(option[i])objectlist[i].method();
    – stefan
    Mar 25, 2011 at 8:49

4 Answers 4


If the objects share a common interface, you could create a method like this:

private void callOptional(myInterface obj, boolean flag) {
  if (option) obj.method();

That way you have eliminated the IFs. But you still have a long list of common code. To make it more DRY, I'd add the object reference to the list where you store the options and then just do a for loop:

for (OptionObjectPair ooPair : optionObjectList) {
  callOptional(ooPair.obj, ooPair.flag)

You can then even change the interface of the callOptional method to take an OptionObjectPair directly.

  • Uhu, an object call in vain for each object not having their option-on, being optimization? Java is funny?
    – stefan
    Mar 25, 2011 at 9:09
  • @stefan: Yeah, it's not as if the JVM would inline methods - no, don't worry we're only doing 40year old optimizations, not the 30year old ones :p
    – Voo
    Mar 25, 2011 at 10:24

Long sequences of if statements are not always a bad thing. If you want to do it the right way though, you have to define the mapping of your options to their "handlers" in a data structure instead of hardcode it in if statements.

You can define a one-method interface and have A, B and C (in your example) implement it:

public interface OptionHandler { // For lack of a better name...
    void handleOption(); // You could pass parameters here

You can then define a map of the options to their handlers:

private final Map<Option, OptionHandler> optionHandlers = new HashMap<Option, OptionHandler>();

You would then replace your sequence of if statements with something like:

for (Option option : options) {
    if (!option.isOn()) {
        // Skip off option
    OptionHandler handler = optionHandlers.get(option);
    if (handler != null) {

It really depends what you want to optimize (see templatetypedef's comment). If you just want to reduce code footprint you may do something like this

// let's assume you have an Option interface with isTrue() method
// let's assume you have an Action interface with performAction() method

Map<Option,Action> actions = new HashMap<Option,Action>();
// initialize actions with instance of your objects so that you have:
// optionA -> actionA
// optionB -> actionB
// etc.
// this is done only once

Option[] currentOptions;
// read the current option values and put them in an array
for (int i = 0; i < currentOptions.lengt; i++) {
    if (currentOptions[i].isTrue())

If the method is the same for all objects, then create a option-to-object hash table and call the method based on the option.

HashMap<Option,ActionObject> map ;
for (Option option: map.keySet()) {
    if (optionIsTrue(option)) {  
        map.get(option).performAction() ;
  • Why a hashmap and not just an array/vector?
    – stefan
    Mar 25, 2011 at 9:10
  • this solves only half of the problem: he has to call performAction() only when an Option instance is true
    – MarcoS
    Mar 25, 2011 at 9:14
  • @stefan, becoz if u use an array, u will have to keep two arrays, and map from option to object based on the index.
    – euphoria83
    Mar 25, 2011 at 18:45
  • @marcos, the second line can be put into a for loop. i am editing my answer to reflect that.
    – euphoria83
    Mar 25, 2011 at 18:45

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