I want to show a JQuery-UI dialog when I submit the form. I have the code with me but I have the following ideas and want to know which would be the most ideal.

   var openDialog =function(){
      //set up dialog .
      var saveButton = // "OK" of dialog -> click event calls: submit the form
      var cancel = //  "Cancel" of dialog -> click event calls :close the dialog


Should I setup the form as:



If I do this and call form.submit() when the saveButton is clicked wont the openDialog called again this would create a cycle.



Should I setup a click on the submit button /link in the form to call openDialog() and with submit as well. How would I call form.submit() when the "Ok" button of confirm is clicked without triggering the submit event setup on the form.

Edit: I would appreciate it if this could be answered as well

This being said. If I have ASP.NET MVC Data Annotations setup on the form. How can set up the script such that the dialog opens up only if the MicrosoftValidations are run. I am using ASP.MVC 3.0 and not using jQuery Validation/Validator.

How do I setup a dialog such that I get the modal dialog when one tries to submit a form?

2 Answers 2


A graceful degradation approach. Off the top of my head...

    <input type="submit" id="submit" text="Submit" />

$("#submit").click(function ()
    // open dialog here

    return false;

If JavaScript is disabled, the form will simply submit. But if JavaScript is enabled, the click-event on the submit button (in the form) will open a dialog and prevent the form from submitting. What you need to do now is attach a click-event on the "OK" button in the dialog, and submit the form from there...

$("#dialog_submit").click(function ()
  • What about the case when javascript is enabled and the user submits the form by hitting Enter/Return. there would not be a dialog shown in this case. Mar 30, 2011 at 23:45

Add preventDefault() to not submit the form so you can submit it later, with the dialog

   // I think return false should work too
   return false;

Edit : ok there is a infinite loop To avoid this you must submit the form in the openDialog with :


In this case submit event is not triggered (tested in Safari)

   // I think return false should work too
   return false;

function openDialog()
    if(confirm("ok ?"))
        alert('form not submitted')
  • This would satisfy that I will get a dialog opened when I try to submit the form.However my openDialog() has a "OK" button which calls form.submit() when you click it. Wont this trigger the openDialog() again. Mar 30, 2011 at 21:21
  • You could just do return confirm("Ok?") in the form submit event. Also; I think that what friction wants his own custom dialog, not the standard JavaScript confirm dialog.
    – cllpse
    Mar 30, 2011 at 21:43
  • the confirm is just for example, you can do you want
    – JiDai
    Mar 30, 2011 at 21:48

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