I am using the guava library and have noticed that a very useful Predicate is not defined - "greater than". Is there another place I should be looking for basic predicates like this, or am I doomed to create my own functional support jar that includes things like this, and import it into all of my projects? Is there a reason they wouldn't include this,but would take the time to do a bunch of other predicates (In the Predicates class)?


4 Answers 4


Range and Ranges (update: the static methods on Ranges have been folded into Range as of Guava 14.0) have now been added for r10. You'll be able to just do:

Iterable<Integer> positive = Iterables.filter(numbers, Range.greaterThan(0));

Ranges have a lot of other powerful functionality, including the ability to view a Range as a contiguous ImmutableSortedSet over a discrete domain:

ContiguousSet<Integer> oneToOneHundred = ContiguousSet.create(
    Range.closed(1, 100), DiscreteDomains.integers());

I just showed Integers here, but the Range stuff works for any Comparable. ContiguousSet requires a DiscreteDomain for the type... Guava provides DiscreteDomain.integers(), .longs() and .bigIntegers() at the moment.


With the Predicate interface and the various utility methods to filter collections with a Predicate, Guava provides a core you can build upon.

The Predicates class lets you create some commonly used predicates. I guess you could do a request for enhancement in the issue tracker, as suggested by Mike, but I'm not sure they would add it, since Guava strives for a high power-to-weight ratio.

If they were to add the "greaterThan" predicate, they would also need to add "greaterOrEqualThan", "lesserThan", "lesserOrEqualThan"... This would be useful, but this is a lot of "API bloat" for a Predicate that only takes one line to implement. Worth a try, though.

A better solution might be to have an open-source project that extends Guava with all the "nice-to-have" functionality that is not available in Guava proper. We could call it "guava-leftovers" or something ;) Or maybe ask the Biscotti project to add such utility methods (they already have some "nice-to-have" functionality that's not in Guava).

  • Yeah, i guess since they wrote it they get to decide what's "bloat" and what's core. As far as the one liner argument goes, I would argue that you don't need all 3 logical operations (and, or, not) when those can all be implemented in one line as combinations of "nand" predicates :) Apr 5, 2011 at 15:12
  • 1
    Good point. Actually, I think I sounded kind of harsh when I said it would be "API bloat" to add such predicates. I believe these would be quite useful. I really like the idea of having a "Range" class that produces these predicates, though (see Sean Patrick Floyd's answer). It would also work for intervals, and so on. Apr 5, 2011 at 21:34

I have previously requested this functionality and been referred to this issue. Apparently this functionality will be implemented through Ranges, which will implement Predicate.


Predicates collects some common predicates but not a greater than one. I don't think guava provides such a thing. You can try filing a bug/feature request at the guava project site : http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/issues/list


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