I have a git post receive hook that will trigger a build on my build system. I need to create a string of the form "$repo-name + $branch" in the hook script.

I can parse the branch, but how can I get the repository name from git?


4 Answers 4


The "repository name" isn't a well-defined idea in git, I think. Perhaps what would be most useful is to return whatever.git in the case of a bare repository or whatever in the case of a repository with a working tree. I've tested that this bit of Bourne shell deals with both cases properly from within a post-receive hook:

if [ $(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository) = true ]
    REPOSITORY_BASENAME=$(basename "$PWD") 
    REPOSITORY_BASENAME=$(basename $(readlink -nf "$PWD"/..))

Update: if you want to remove the .git extension in the bare repository case, you could add a line to the first case to strip it off:

    REPOSITORY_BASENAME=$(basename "$PWD")
  • 1
    Great. That works. How can I remove the ".git" from a bare repo?
    – Jacko
    Apr 7, 2011 at 16:42

You can inspect $GIT_DIR, or $GIT_WORK_TREE and get the repo name from there.

  • 3
    GIT_DIR is just set to . and GIT_WORK_TREE isn't set in the environment for hooks. Apr 7, 2011 at 16:12

You could do git rev-parse --show-toplevel, which will give you the path of the top-level directory, and pull the name out of that (reponame.git is conventional for remotely-accessible repos).

$PWD might also have the same information, but I'm unsure.

  • 1
    git rev-parse --show-toplevel won't work in a bare repository. ($PWD will be the top level of the working tree for a repository with a working tree, or the repository directory itself for a bare repository, so you need to do a little more work to get a helpful name...) Apr 7, 2011 at 16:07

If one is using Gitolite, the GL_REPO variable is available in the post-receive environment by default.

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