model entry.rb

def self.calculate(year, month, id)
     where(':id = entries.user_id', {    
          :id => id
     where('entries.date <= :last_day', { 
          :last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
     select('sum(case when joint = "f" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_single,' + 
            'sum(case when joint = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_joint,' + 
            'sum(case when compensation = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_compensation')

The query delivers three sums for a particular user and all entries up to the given month. Works fine so far.

What I really would need next is exactly the same but with one value for each month (and months in different years have to be in a different group). The code needs to work with both SQLite and PostgreSQL.

{ Additional question: is it possible to get the grouping and the overall sums like in my original code above in ONE query? I believe it is not possible... }

  • I think there are different syntax for Date functions in sqlite and postgre so you can't wrap it in one query. You should check for adapter first
    – fl00r
    Apr 20, 2011 at 14:23
  • I really hoped there was one solution for both databases. How do you switch the queries depending on the adapter in the model? Apr 20, 2011 at 14:57
  • You can try this ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['adapter']
    – fl00r
    Apr 20, 2011 at 15:00
  • There can't be one solution if the syntax is different.
    – fl00r
    Apr 20, 2011 at 15:01

1 Answer 1



def self.calculate(year, month, id)
 where(':id = entries.user_id', {    
      :id => id
 where('entries.date <= :last_day', { 
      :last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
 select('sum(case when joint = "f" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_single,' + 
        'sum(case when joint = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_joint,' + 
        'sum(case when compensation = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_compensation').
 group("strftime('%Y-%m', created_at)")

Postgre something like this (I've never used this db)

def self.calculate(year, month, id)
 where(':id = entries.user_id', {    
      :id => id
 where('entries.date <= :last_day', { 
      :last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
 select('sum(case when joint = "f" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_single,' + 
        'sum(case when joint = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_joint,' + 
        'sum(case when compensation = "t" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_compensation').

So you should firstly check what adapter is used and then use one of those queries

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