I use TTMessageController to have a view similiar to the sms composer of iOS. The reference describes a method to cancel the composer which would close its modal view.

- (BOOL) messageShouldCancel

Determines if the message should cancel without confirming with the user.

But I want to abort the sending of the message and leave the composer open. I could not find any method in the reference to perform this.

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


You can use

[self showActivityView:NO]

That will remove the sending view from the composer. Read it here http://api.three20.info/interface_t_t_message_controller.php


Looking through the reference, I think that you can use the TTMessageControllerDelegate's method composeController:didSendFields: to simply not skip sending the message when needed.

  • But then of course you must provide custom feedback to the user, because he/she expects the message to be sent when hitting Send.
    – Laas
    Apr 29, 2011 at 7:01

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