I've searched StackOverflow and I don't think the other issues around multiple consumers match what I am trying.

I have a Windows service that starts and registers to monitor two different RabbitMQ queues. If I only register it to listen to 1 queue, it works fine. When I try to get it to listen to both queues, only the 2nd listener works.

var responseConsumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(_responseChannel);

responseConsumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
    var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body);
    IssuerProcessor processor = new IssuerProcessor("Processed Message(" + pause + "ms) : ");


    var ret = processor.ProcessResponseMessage();
    Console.WriteLine("Processed message: " + ret);
    ulong deliveryTag = ea.DeliveryTag;

    _responseChannel.BasicAck(deliveryTag, false);
    Console.WriteLine("ACK RESPONSE Delivery Tag (" + deliveryTag.ToString() + "): " + ret);
}; // end requestConsumer.Received

_responseChannel.BasicConsume(queue: RESPONSE_QUEUE, autoAck: autoAck, consumer: responseConsumer);

The other consumer looks just like this one, but it listens to a different queue, using the same connection, with a different channel.

Here is the initialization for both:

_requestChannel = _connection.CreateModel();
_responseChannel = _connection.CreateModel();

_requestChannel.ExchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE, ExchangeType.Direct, true, false, null);
_requestChannel.QueueDeclare(queue: REQUEST_QUEUE, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
_requestChannel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
_requestChannel.QueueBind(REQUEST_QUEUE, EXCHANGE, REQUEST_QUEUE, null);

_responseChannel.ExchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE, ExchangeType.Direct, true, false, null);
_responseChannel.QueueDeclare(RESPONSE_QUEUE, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
_responseChannel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
_responseChannel.QueueBind(RESPONSE_QUEUE, EXCHANGE, RESPONSE_QUEUE, null);

1 Answer 1


The problem ended up being that the service was running on a single thread and it could not monitor both queues at the same time.

I just created two different Threads and started each consumer on a different Thread.

public void StartWorkerThreads()
    Thread receivingConsumerThread = new Thread(StartListenReceivingQueue);

    Thread respondingConsumerThread = new Thread(StartListenRespondingQueue);

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