I am currently trying to read a .csv directly from an AWS S3 bucket. However, I am always receiving a FileNotFoundError. Weirdly after I can actually see the content of the .csv file.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b',event_id,ds,yhat,yhat_lower,yhat_upper\n0,277,2019-09-04 07:14:08.051643,0.3054256311115928,0.29750667741533227,0.31441960581142636\n'

Here my code:

BUCKET_NAME = 'fbprophet'
FORECAST_DATA_OBJECT = 'forecast.csv'
s3 = boto3.client(
obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=FORECAST_DATA_OBJECT)
data = obj['Body'].read()

with open(data, newline='') as csvfile:
    spamreader = csv.reader(io.BytesIO(csvfile), delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
    for row in spamreader:
        print(', '.join(row))

And here some content of my .csv file. I ideally I could access each row as a dictionary with row['event_id']. E.g. to access yhat I could just write row['event_id']['yhat]. But currently, that's not how it works at all.

    event_id    ds  yhat    yhat_lower  yhat_upper
0   277 2019-09-04 7:14:08  0.3054256311    0.2975066774    0.3144196058
0   178 2019-09-28  0.3454256311    0.2275066774    0.3944196058

2 Answers 2


Just get rid of with open(data, newline='') as csvfile:
because open expects a name of a file on your local filesystem.
You should pass data to io.BytesIO directly.

BUCKET_NAME = 'fbprophet'
FORECAST_DATA_OBJECT = 'forecast.csv'
s3 = boto3.client(
obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=FORECAST_DATA_OBJECT)
data = obj['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
spamreader = csv.reader(io.StringIO(data), delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in spamreader:
    print(', '.join(row))

Edit: Apparently csv.reader expects strings, not bytes, so you need to decode the response and wrap data in is.StringIO instead.

  • Hi taras, I tried that but there I receive the following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> _csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?) Do you have an idea what I am doing wrong there?
    – Joey Coder
    Sep 9, 2019 at 8:17


spamreader = csv.reader(io.BytesIO(data), delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
for row in spamreader:
    print(', '.join(row))

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