Is there a way to add a key to a HashMap without also adding a value? I know it seems strange, but I have a HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>> amd I want to first be able to create keys as needed and then check if a certain key exists and, if so, put the appropriate value, namely the ArrayList<Object>

Was that confusing enough?


5 Answers 5


Since you're using a Map<String, List<Object>>, you're really looking for a multimap. I highly recommend using a third-party library such as Google Guava for this - see Guava's Multimaps.

Multimap<String, Object> myMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();

// fill it
myMultimap.put("hello", "hola");
myMultimap.put("hello", "buongiorno");
myMultimap.put("hello", "สวัสดี");

// retrieve
List<String> greetings = myMultimap.get("hello");
                      // ["hola", "buongiorno", "สวัสดี"]

Java 8 update: I'm no longer convinced that every Map<K, SomeCollection<V>> should be rewritten as a multimap. These days it's quite easy to get what you need without Guava, thanks to Map#computeIfAbsent().

Map<String, List<Object>> myMap = new HashMap<>();

// fill it
myMap.computeIfAbsent("hello", ignored -> new ArrayList<>())
  .addAll(Arrays.asList("hola", "buongiorno", "สวัสดี");

// retrieve
List<String> greetings = myMap.get("hello");
                      // ["hola", "buongiorno", "สวัสดี"]

I'm not sure you want to do this. You can store null as a value for a key, but if you do how will be able to tell, when you do a .get("key") whether the key exists or if it does exist but with a null value? Anyway, see the docs.


You can put null values. It is allowed by HashMap

You can also use a Set initially, and check it for the key, and then fill the map.

  • 4
    ...or just use Guava's Multimaps!
    – Matt Ball
    May 18, 2011 at 14:05
  • Hi Bozho - I found this question because I'm trying to do something similar, and your answer is really helpful. Would you be able to elaborate on how you would go about initialising a set and then converting it to a HashMap when you add objects to it?
    – javapalava
    Mar 8, 2015 at 11:23

Yes, it was confusing enough ;) I don't get why you want to store keys without values instead just putting empty arraylists instead of null.

Adding null may be a problem, because if you call


and receive a null, then you do not know, if the key is not found or if it is present but maps to null...

  • 1
    If you add null, you can test with containsKey().
    – sarumont
    May 18, 2011 at 16:39
  • 1
    @sarumont - sure, but you have to know that only this method works for the map. I'd be surprised if a map returns map.get("key") == null and map.contains("key") == true... May 18, 2011 at 16:58
  • it works with java.util.HashMap, at least. map.put( "foo", null ) yields true for map.containsKey( "foo" ) and null for map.get( "foo" )
    – sarumont
    May 18, 2011 at 17:42
  • 1
    @sarumont - sure: and exactly that behaviour would surprise me (in real code) ;) May 18, 2011 at 19:26
  • Oh, I see what you meant now. :) I would also be surprised, but not overly so - I've unfortunately seen worse. ;)
    – sarumont
    May 18, 2011 at 20:15
//This program should answer your questions
import java.util.*;
public class attemptAddingtoHashMap { //Start of program

//MAIN METHOD #################################################

public static void main(String args[]) {  //main begins

Map<String, ArrayList<Object>> hmTrial = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>>(); 

ArrayList alTrial = new ArrayList();//No values now

if (hmTrial.containsKey("first")) {
hmTrial.put("first", alTrial); }

else {hmTrial.put("first",alTrial);}
//in either case, alTrial, an ArrayList was mapped to the string "first"
//if you choose to, you can also add objects to alTrial later
System.out.println("hmTrial is " + hmTrial); //empty now
System.out.println("hmTrial is " + hmTrial);//populated now

   } //end of main

} //end of class

//Note - removing objects from alTrial will remove the from the hashmap
//You can copy, paste and run this code on https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/

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