I want to make sure all security aspects of my application are covered. I know this will probably vary from application to application, but what are the general things you should make sure you are doing to prevent security breaches?

4 Answers 4


Ryan Bates did a nice railscast on security that i have gotten something out of, you may want to check it out.



The official rails guide on security is really good:



The site itself:

  1. Are all the pages that required a login protected?
  2. If an error occurs in the application does the user retrieve a general message instead of YSOD (asp mvc)
  3. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Top_Ten_Project

After that there are also external risk: A database-backup gets lost(stolen) , social engineers , angry co-workers , unpatched servers , ....

  • Also make sure that things that require a login also check authorization. May 26, 2011 at 20:31

attr_accessible, if you're not using it your models then that's a big security flaw as your users could effectively change any fields they want.

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