I want to use regex to extract the last word from a file path. For example, I have: /xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg

I want to extract the "color" out of the path. The path color have different syntax. The only thing that is consistent is the ending where it is always -color.jpg where color would be any [a-z] word.

Is there an elegant way to do this?

I would really appreciate any help here. Thanks

  • I want to clarify that the path is any length, any size, and has one or more hyphens. The only thing consistent is the -color.jpg at the end where "color" is the word I want to extract out. And color is any non-digit word.
    – David
    May 31, 2011 at 3:16
  • Hey people, I know that sometimes using regular expressions isn't the best idea (parsing HTML, etc), but sometimes they simplify a lot the code (like in this case). And sometimes you need them (because of requirements, or because the tool you're using to validate something forces you to enter a regex, etc), so do we have to keep saying Why a regex? or Why not _this_ better than a regex? in cases where it doesn't make much sense? May 31, 2011 at 3:18

5 Answers 5


Why could you just take substring rather than using regex?

var path=" /xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg";
var lastHyphen = path.lastIndexOf("-");
var lastDot = path.lastIndexOf(".");
var extractedValue=path.substring(lastHyphen + 1, lastDot);

a more compact version will be

var extractedValue=path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("-") + 1, path.lastIndexOf("."));
var matched = /-(\w+).jpg/i.exec('/xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg')[1];

Why use regex?

var a = '/xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg'

  • hmmm.. to be honest, I think I prefer regex in this case. For a coder who knows regular expressions, reading a code with a simple regex (for this purpose) would be much clean and readable than all those pops and splits. I mean, that's the idea, isn't it? You will always be able to do some tweaks to avoid using Regex ;) May 31, 2011 at 3:14
  • This works! But will this work for a path with any number of "/" or "-" in between?
    – David
    May 31, 2011 at 3:18
  • @oscar: Arguable, I prefer to use regex only when absolutely necessary as it incurs extra overhead (quite a bit more expensive than native string functions). And if you're after readability, split it across multiple lines (no pun intended ;)) and it's pretty easy to follow along. May 31, 2011 at 3:19
  • @david: Yes, it will work as long as you have the format *-color.ext. Any number of / or - prior to that will be ignored. May 31, 2011 at 3:20

What about



If you don't want to hardcode the extension, you can do:


Of course, that will match lots of things, but I'm assuming the text to be matched will be the url ;)

It will match two groups, and you need to take only the second one, so just access to the 1st index:

var text = '/xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg';
var pattern = /-(\w+)\.\w+\b/;
var match = pattern.exec(text);
alert(match[1]);  // color

Or do it in one line like @Ryan suggested.

  • thx but this didn't work for me. It gave me two strings back "-color.jpg" and "color".
    – David
    May 31, 2011 at 3:20
  • @David What it gave you was two groups: The entire match, and only the color. Let me edit it ;) May 31, 2011 at 3:21
  • Gotcha. Thanks Oscar. I used Ryan's but yours edited one was easier to read for a beginner like me.
    – David
    May 31, 2011 at 3:41

Why not just

var path= "/xyz/blahblah/zzz/abc-blah/def-xyz-color.jpg";
var color = RegExp.$1;

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