I have an html table where one of the columns contains <span>s with comma-delimited data. I want to come up with a jQuery selector that returns all of the rows (<tr>s are preferable, but the <span>s will work for now) where one of the comma-delimited tokens <span> in a span tag matches a supplied string.

I started with something like the following:

$('td.col_8 span:contains("duck")')

which will get me all spans in a particular column containing the word 'duck'. However, it could also match <span>fox, mallard-duck</span>. Since 'duck' is not a unique token in that span, I wouldn't want that included in the match.

Is there a way to narrow my result set so I'm only including results where there's an exact match to a particular token in a column-delimited list?

(I'm using jQuery 1.2.3)

3 Answers 3


This is where the beauty of jQuery expressions come in.

You can add your own custom selector. I'm going to call it tag in this case

jQuery.expr[":"].tag = function(elem, index, match, nodeList) {
    var tags = $(elem).text().replace(/(?:\ +)?,(?:\ +)?/g, ",").split(",");
    return tags.indexOf(match[3]) > -1;

This will check each previously matched element against this selector. Fist it flattens the , seperations (so something like "firstTag , onotherer, badly , spaced, tag" will work). jQuery already takes care of parsing the selector and passes it in as match. match[3] is what you're interested in. With the following usage match[3] will be 'duck'

$('td.col_8 span:tag("duck")')

the return line will return true of false based on the tag being in the list.

  • That's really cool. There's some serious RegEx-fu going on in there :-). Jun 1, 2011 at 22:11
  • 1
    Its actually pretty simple. (?: ) is a non-matching group. \ + is any number of spaces. So (?:\ +)? is zero or more spaces, non matched. So this removes spaces around a comma but will leave spaces in a tag alone. Jun 2, 2011 at 0:30
  • thanks for the explanation! When you break it down like that, it's not so bad. I get easily intimidated by regex because I still don't know what all of the characters mean just by looking at it. Jun 2, 2011 at 1:21

I think this should do it

$('td.col_8 span').filter(function() { 
    return $(this).text().match(/^duck$/); 

Now you just need to define the regex that you need, or implement a string split and array search to return a boolean value to indicate if the <span> should be included.

  • Ah, .filter. I think that's exactly what I needed. If I don't use a regEx, I think I can still split the string and test for equality in the array elements. Thanks! Jun 1, 2011 at 21:50
  • 1
    It looks like that would only work if duck was the only keyword in the span.
    – James
    Jun 1, 2011 at 21:53
  • Note that using /^duck$/.test($(this).text()) is a little more efficient.
    – Pointy
    Jun 1, 2011 at 21:54
  • @James - exactly. This was just a demo to show how it could be done. I'll leave it to Ben to come up with the regex he needs or string splitting / array search implementation.
    – Russ Cam
    Jun 1, 2011 at 21:56

Going off of Russ Cam's answer, here's what I came up with:

$('td.col_8 span').filter(function() { 
  return $.inArray('quiet',$(this).html().split(', ')) !== -1;

Of course, this assumes that the list will always be delimited with ,[space], but it should work for my immediate use case.

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