I'm parsing XML and would like to store the values in an easy-to-read fashion.

I am getting mapShapes and mapPoints (so x and y coordinates). An (x,y) pair makes a point, a collection of points makes a Shape.

Here is some example XML that I would like to parse:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<mapQuery id='10918014'>
    <mapShape id='429436'>
        <mapPoint id='4259799'>
        <mapPoint id='4259800'>
        <mapPoint id='4259801'>
        <mapPoint id='4259802'>
        <mapPoint id='4259803'>

I would like to end up with an array like

shapes[0].point[0].x[0] = first x point
shapes[0].point[0].y[0] = first y point

(this example XML only has one shape present, but there could be several.)

Thanks in advance for the help with an easy question =)

Here's some skeleton code:

shapeXmlHandler : function(xml){

        $(this).find("mapPoint").each(function() {
            console.log('mapPoint: '+$(this).attr('id'));
            console.log('x :'+$(this).find("x").text());
            console.log('y :'+$(this).find("y").text());
  • What's the problem you're having? Looks good so far (except that I think you actually want shapes[0].point[0].x = first x point etc.)
    – Matt Ball
    Jun 8, 2011 at 18:59
  • good call. I'm not really sure how to accomplish the goal, but I'm pretty close. I don't really know what the best approach is for putting the xml data into an array while parsing over it, so I was asking for suggestions
    – sova
    Jun 8, 2011 at 19:02

1 Answer 1


Try using Array.push().

shapeXmlHandler : function(xml)
    var shapes = [];

        var shape = [];

            var $p = $(this),
                point = 
                    x: $p.find('x').text(),
                    y: $p.find('y').text()




This should log something like

        {x: -81.61508, y: 41.52184},
        {x: -81.61537, y: 41.52181},

This can be done a bit slicker using .map() instead of .each():

shapeXmlHandler : function(xml)
    var shapes = $(xml).find('mapShape').map(function()
        return $(this).find('mapPoint').map(function()
            var $p = $(this);
            return {
                x: $p.find('x').text(),
                y: $p.find('y').text()


And if there's any chance of working with JSON instead of XML, you don't need any custom parsing code at all! Just use $.parseJSON.

  • Thanks a lot for your thorough answer. Would give you two upvotes if I could =)
    – sova
    Jun 9, 2011 at 21:34
  • Thanks, no worries. Which approach did you end up using?
    – Matt Ball
    Jun 9, 2011 at 22:03
  • Is the .get() necessary for .map()? I don't get any console output unless I leave the .get() off, but it shows a lot more stuff than just the array (like all sorts of jQuery methods). I am using the first approach probably -- it's still uncertain if I even need to hold onto the input for too long so I might just pass it as I process it
    – sova
    Jun 13, 2011 at 19:32
  • It depends on what you want to do with the output. In most cases you'll want to use .get() so you're working with a simple vanilla JavaScript array rather than a jQuery object. The .get() call after .map() is idiomatic jQuery.
    – Matt Ball
    Jun 13, 2011 at 19:34
  • That said it's possible that nested .map() calls like that should actually omit the inner .get() call. I haven't played around with it to find out for myself.
    – Matt Ball
    Jun 13, 2011 at 19:36

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