I'm a bit confused at how to add a message to an error logged programatically with ELMAH.


public ActionResult DoSomething(int id)
    try { ... }

    catch (Exception e)
        // I want to include the 'id' param value here, and maybe some
        // other stuff, but how?

It seems all Elmah can do is log the raw exception, how can I also log my own debug info?

  • 1
    curious why Elmah doesn't have an overload for Raise for additional messages. contextual information is vital when trying to fix certain errors Feb 8, 2013 at 11:14

2 Answers 2


You can throw a new Exception setting the original as the inner exception and ELMAH will log the messages for both:

catch(Exception e)
    Exception ex = new Exception("ID = 1", e);

will show

System.Exception: ID = 1 ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • you should use Exception.Data, but by default elmah does not have this functionality. I added to a custom version I use. I really should post the code up somewhere. I know this is old but I think this is not 100% correct. Yes you can use this for small details, but if you want a list of data that's what the Exception.Data was made for. For example when an SQLException is thrown you get a lot of details. I also added this. It's not really hard to do yourself. Also when working with linq2sql you can also get a lot of details.
    – pqsk
    Feb 5, 2014 at 17:18

I found that I can also do something like:

Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new NotImplementedException("class      FbCallback.Page_Load() Request.Url= " + Request.Url));

To log my own messages. Then in when I browse to


I see my messages as type NotImplementedException. Not very pretty but works.

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