Using h:outputStylesheet I can embed CSS resources in the HTML head section, but how can I build a <link> for a favicon image resource which renders HTML like in this example:

HTML output:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" />

The image resource is located in <web>/resources/images.

If I use direct HTML code in the JSF template like href="/resources/images/favicon.png" the resource is not found - navigating to /resources/images/favicon.png leads to the error

/resources/images/favicon.png/index.jsf not found

(I have set index.jsf as index page in web.xml which might explain this path)

2 Answers 2


Your webapp is apparently running on a non-empty context path. The leading slash / brings you to the domain root. Use #{request.contextPath} to dynamically inline the context path.

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="#{request.contextPath}/resources/images/favicon.png" />

(note that I fixed the rel as well to make it crossbrowser compatible)


The href="/resources/images/favicon.png" is actually looking in the root direcotry of your server http://localhost/resources/images/favicon.png and not inside your web application directory.

Your href location will need to include the web application directory href="/webappname/resources/images/favicon.png" http://localhost/webappname/resources/images/favicon.png

If your .xhtml file is in the same directory as your resources folder then removing the forward slash at the being should work as well. href="resources/images/favicon.png"

  • 1
    the web app name can be set at deployment time, using it in a hard coded resource could be dangerous. In my example, the app is deployed at the server root http://localhost:8080/ directly
    – mjn
    Jun 16, 2011 at 14:55
  • @BalusC I don't mean in resources folder like this /web/index.xhtml and /web/resources/
    – Mark
    Jun 16, 2011 at 15:04

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