I am pretty new to PHP and am trying to use variables in a string, here is my code:

    $userName = $_GET['Username'];
    $message = $_GET['Message'];

        $open = fopen("new.txt",'a'); 
        $text = "\n________________________________________"+$userName+":"+$message+"\n________________________________________";
        fwrite($open, $text); 
        echo "File updated.<br />";  
        echo "File:<br />"; 
        $file = file("new.txt"); 
        foreach($file as $text) { 
            echo $text."<br />"; 

Also, would I use 'a' for adding to a file? If not what would I use? Please help me, thanks in advance!

4 Answers 4


Use . instead of + for concatenation.

Or, you can just do:

$text = "\n________________________________________$userName:$message\n________________________________________";

or (to be slightly clearer to the parser):

$text = "\n________________________________________{$userName}:{$message}\n________________________________________";
  • 2
    Personally, I don't like variables put into strings and I always recommend using the explicit syntax of "____" . $var . "____" as things like code highlighting work...
    – Dan Soap
    Jun 16, 2011 at 21:01
  • Sometimes it looks a lot nicer to put them in the string. Matter of preference.
    – ceejayoz
    Jun 16, 2011 at 21:06
  • 1
    @cassy: with a PHP-aware syntax highlighting editor, variables inside strings stick out like a sore thumb. Personally I prefer embedding to having to wasting visual space with uncessary quotes/concatenation operators.
    – Marc B
    Jun 16, 2011 at 21:23

I always like single quotes (when possible) cause they are faster:

$str = '5+5='.(5+5);

Also comma for echo instead of concatenation cause is faster:

echo '5+5=',(5+5);

And in very complex strings (if don't care for speed) and also quotes needed I use variables to make things look more clear:

 echo $dbq,'This is in double quotes.',$dbq,'<br>';
 echo $sq,'This is in single quotes.',$sq;

$text = "\n___$userName:$message\n" will work. Also $text = "whatever{$var}bar{$var2}". The documentation for fopen is available here and says of 'a':

Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the end of the file.

'a' in this context generally means 'append'.

$text = "\n________________________________________".$userName.":".$message."\n________________________________________";

Use . for concatination

a would append to a file, so u want to replace the content you would use w


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