
I know that VPC does not officially support Linux, but I was wondering if there are any ways to get things similar to the VM additions so that I can get:

  • 1) A higher screen resoultion than 800x600
  • 2) Faster graphics, no jerkey movements
  • 3) Drag and Drop support

Number 3 really isn't that important but it would be nice.

2 Answers 2


Supposedly you can download Linux VM additions for Virtual Server from http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/virtualserver/downloads.aspx, and transfer them to VMs to use in VirtualPC. This is “not supported” for Ubuntu or VirtualPC, but may work.

Personally I'm using VirtualBox for Linux guests; its additions work well under Intrepid. Still no drag-and-drop though unfortunately, that's certainly one feature I miss from VPC.

  • I'm thinking about switching to VirtualBox.
    – Kredns
    Mar 13, 2009 at 17:50

It's not supported for Ubuntu, but there are Linux editions available here:


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