I want to know is there a way to send a multiline command to maya through python socket and the Maya's own "commandPort" command?

I'm using below code for sending the code to maya("message" value is the command):

import socket
#HOST = '' # The remote host

HOST = '' # the local host
PORT = 54321 # The same port as used by the server

def SendCommand():
    client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    command = 'import maya.cmds as mc mc.polyCube()' # the commang from external editor to maya

    MyMessage = command
    data = client.recv(1024) #receive the result info

    print 'The Result is %s'%data

if __name__=='__main__':

When I send a single command like 'polyCube()' it works but for example sending a python Command such as:

import maya.cmds as mc 

Raises an "invalid syntax error"!

2 Answers 2



command = 'import maya.cmds as mc\n mc.polyCube()'
  • Thanks, that worked! but what is the workflow if I want to actually send an entire 20 or 30 lined script to Maya? Am I forced to put a "\n" character after each command or statements! Jun 26, 2011 at 18:43
  • \n is a newline character. You should enter it in your command every time you need to separate it with a new line.
    – pajton
    Jun 26, 2011 at 19:44
  • I want to some what automate this process; for example by saving the file first and then read each line and add the "\n" character at the end of the lines. Is that possible? Jun 27, 2011 at 10:24

For sending small commands to Maya, @pajton's method works, or you can use ; as a separator:

command = "import maya.cmds as mc; mc.polyCube()"

If possible, the easiest way to send many lines at once is to create a separate .py file that Maya has access to.

command = "import sys; sys.append(r'c:\path to my_script');"
command += "import my_script; my_script.run()"

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