I have a 3-dimensional array, the variables being x, y and z. x is a list of places, y is a list of time, and z is a list of names. The list of names do not start at the same initial time across the places:

x   y   z
x1  1   NA
x1  2   z2
x1  3   z3
x1  4   z1
x2  1   NA
x2  2   NA
x2  3   z5
x2  4   z3
x3  1   z3
x3  2   z1
x3  3   z2
x3  4   z2

How do I find the first z for every x? I want the output matrix or dataframe to be:

x  z
x1 z2
x2 z5
x3 z3
  • please provide some sample data, as I have no clue how your array looks like exactly. As far as it looks now, you have a simple matrix, not a 3D-array as data structure.
    – Joris Meys
    Apr 11, 2011 at 15:31
  • Is there any way to upload a sample data?
    – user702432
    Apr 11, 2011 at 15:52
  • Make a small reproducible example using matrix() or try dput(your.data). Apr 11, 2011 at 15:53
  • Okay, I just edited the original post including the sample data.
    – user702432
    Apr 11, 2011 at 16:05
  • now it looks like a dataframe (which is 2-dimensional, see the introduction to R for some examples on arrays).
    – Joris Meys
    Apr 11, 2011 at 16:05

2 Answers 2


EDITED, after example data was supplied

You can use function ddply() in package plyr

dat <- "x   y   z
x1  1   NA
x1  2   z2
x1  3   z3
x1  4   z1
x2  1   NA
x2  2   NA
x2  3   z5
x2  4   z3
x3  1   z3
x3  2   z1
x3  3   z2
x3  4   z2"

df <- read.table(textConnection(dat), header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

ddply(df, .(x), function(x)x[!is.na(x$z), ][1, "z"])

   x V1
1 x1 z2
2 x2 z5
3 x3 z3

If you don't want to use plyr

t(data.frame(lapply(split(df, as.factor(df$x)), function(k) head(k$z[!is.na(k$z)], 1))))

x1 "z2"
x2 "z5"
x3 "z3"

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