Lets say I end up with an array like such:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => user 
                       [1] => pass

maybe as a result of passing an array through a function and using func_get_args()

In this case, I would want to get rid of the initial array, so I just end up with:

Array ( [0] => user 
        [1] => pass

I know I could make a function to accomplish this, and push each element into a new array, however, is there some built in functionality with PHP that can pull this off?

4 Answers 4

$new_array = $old_array[0];



array_pop() will pop the last (first, if only 1 is present) element.

  • why would you use a function to access a directly accessible member of the single element array? Jul 11, 2011 at 21:57
  • 1
    Scared of hardcoding indexes :D Jul 11, 2011 at 22:00

Just take the value of the first element of the "outer" array.


I would recommend array_shift as it removes and returns the first element off of the beginning of the array.

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