I want to pass the value entered by a user in a form field from a page called "productDetail" to the form field in a page called "gmap-3".

Now normally, if both fields were on the same page, I'd just do something like :

$('#productDetail').live("pagecreate", function() {
    $('#submitPost').tap(function() {
        if ($('#postalFrom').val()== "" || null) {
            var postalCode = $('#postalFrom').val();
            alert("Enter postal code first.");
        } else {

But considering the form field "('#from')" is on the page "g-map3" and not "productDetails", how can I accomplish that ?

Thanks in advance !

  • Ok. I'll try and make it clearer if you can tell me what you don't understand in the question.
    – JFFF
    Jul 22, 2011 at 15:36

2 Answers 2


when going from one page to another, pass the values with the url e.g.


then parse the url with location.search. something like

var params = location.search.substring(1,location.search.length).split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
  var field = params[i].split("=")[0];
  var value = params[i].split("=")[1];
  // process


forgot to get rid of the "?" :P hence the substring(1,location.search.length)

  • prams should be params, other wise it wouldn't work. Nice answer btw!
    – Milaan
    Jul 22, 2011 at 15:40
  • Small mistake because of the fast answer, can happen? Haha, youre welcome!
    – Milaan
    Jul 22, 2011 at 15:43

Submit your first form as a GET so the variable appears in the query string. Then on your second form you can simply parse the query string to fetch your value.

document.location.search will contain your 'foo=1&bar=2' string

From there you'd use split() to covert that into an array: var q = document.location.search.split('=');

Now you have your array of query string parameters and grabbing the data you need to populate your form on page 2 is simple.


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