I have an app in android and I'm trying to retrieve some pictures from the internet using an AsyncTask thread. The thing is that I'm retrieving this pictures in a loop so for each index I'm launching a new AsyncTask thread.Each thread returnes a picture(imageView).

And here is my problem:

The threads launched return the pictures asynchorounsly so when I'm trying to acces the List that stores these images I get ArrayIndexOutofBounds.

This is my code:

for(int i=0;i<friends.size();i++)

This is the getUserPic method:

  public void getUserPic(String userID){

        imageURL = "http://graph.facebook.com/"+userID+"/picture?type=small";
    new Task().execute(new String[] {imageURL});


And here is the thread:

 private class Task extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap>{

        public Bitmap doInBackground(String...arg0){

            DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(arg0[0]);
                HttpResponse execute = client.execute(httpGet);
                InputStream content = execute.getEntity().getContent();


           catch (MalformedURLException e) {
          } catch (IOException e) {
          return profilePicBitmap;

           public void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) {

So what I wanna do is something like:

  List<ImageView> arrayImageView=new ArrayList<ImageView>();



 public ImageView getUserPic(String userID){

            imageURL = "http://graph.facebook.com/"+userID+"/picture?type=small";
        new Task().execute(new String[] {imageURL});
return ImageView;


I mean each ImageView return by the AsyncTask thread to be returned also by the getUserPic method.So would be more easily for me to keep track of them.

Question:How do I proceed so the pictured returned by AsynTask to be also the variable that getUserPic() returns.

I hope u get what I mean.Thx

  • the onPostExecute method runs on the main (UI) thread. You probably have to synchronize it yourself.
    – whlk
    Jul 18, 2011 at 18:16
  • I'm sure that I have to do that.But I don't really know how:P
    – adrian
    Jul 18, 2011 at 18:21
  • I'd go with @Override public void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) { imageView.setImageBitmap(result); synchronized(arrayImageView) { arrayImageView.add(imageView);} }
    – whlk
    Jul 19, 2011 at 7:40
  • Actually I did use a LazyAdapter to retrieve the picture from facebook.This one retrieves the pictures from facebook and stores them on the Sdcard and after that sets them to an adapter.If u need something like, I can give it to you!
    – adrian
    Jul 29, 2011 at 14:20

1 Answer 1


If i'm right you can do this..



 public ImageView getUserPic(String userID){

            imageURL = "http://graph.facebook.com/"+userID+"/picture?type=small";
        new Task().execute(new String[] {imageURL});
progressDialog = ProgressDialog.show(context, "", "Please Wait....");//**progressDialog** an instance variable

return ImageView;


and in postExecute dismiss this dialog.. I suggest this because at this moment the UI thread will be blocked and u can make sure your imageView is initialised with some value in postExecute() and can be returned when dialog is dismissed and the UI thread resumes..

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