Same foreach loop I have been posting about for days :) I'm almost done :)

I now need to style the differing show and hide posts so that if they are 'hide' they need to be red. So I research and I can to that in CSS with classes. Can anybody advise how to sort out an if statement?

(var post in Model.tb_SH_Forum_Posts.OrderBy(o => o.Post_Date))
using (Html.BeginForm("Hide", "Post", new { id = post.Post_ID }))
   <input type="submit" name = "hidePosts" value="Hide" /> 

using (Html.BeginForm("Show", "Post", new { id = post.Post_ID }))
   <input type="submit" name = "showPosts" value="Show" /> 


if private_id = 2

<div class ="HIDE">
        <p class="post_details">At @post.Post_Date By @(post.Anon == true ? "Anonymous" : post.Username)          


<div class ="SHOW">
        <p class="post_details">At @post.Post_Date By @(post.Anon == true ? "Anonymous"    : post.Username)          

As always, thank you for your time/guidance

3 Answers 3


Try this:

<div <%: private_id == 2 ? "class=HIDE" : "class=SHOW" %> >
    @if (private_id == 2)
        <div class ="HIDE">
        <div class ="SHOW">

Ideally, you would like to create an HTML helper to handle that, since no logic should be used in Views.


Here is a Microsoft's article about custom helpers. Basically it's a class, where you pass something from the view, and then you include all the logic in there, and return something back to your view.

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