Say have "normal" class in iOS, called A. I'd like to pass this as a parameter to class B, method "myMethod".

"A" is declared as a pointer:

A       *myA;

I'm unclear as to the syntax of call. Here's the method (I think this is probably correct:

- (void *) myMethod:(A *) myA 

Should the call be

[b myMethod:myA]


[b myMethod:&myA]

Since myA is a pointer, it's seems it should be the second one, but somehow I'm thinking it's the first.

1 Answer 1


It's the first:

[b myMethod:myA]

I rarely dereference pointers in Objective-C as I used to do in C/C++.

  • Thanks. But I'm still confused - the "&" extracts the address, which should be what the pointer declarations receives. Why doesn't this have to be done? Sep 1, 2011 at 19:32
  • when you write a method like -(void)method:(MyObject*)obj it receives a variable of type MyObject*. When you pass a parameter in to that method, you define it as MyObject *myObj. So it's the same going in as it is coming out. You might be getting confused over the fact that C++ has dot (.) and arrow (->) operators. Objective-C doesn't have this distinction. Sep 1, 2011 at 20:35
  • one last thing... if you were to pass in &myObj into the method, you are taking myObj (which is defined as MyObject* and taking its address, which is an address of an address. So you are effectively passing in a MyObject**. Sep 1, 2011 at 20:37

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