In python is it possible to run each function inside a class?

EDIT: What i am trying to do is call of the functions inside a class, collect their return variables and work with that.


6 Answers 6


yes, you can. Quick and dirty:

class foo:
    def one(self):
        print "here is one"
    def two(self):
        print "here is two"
    def three(self):
        print "here is three"

obj = foo()
for entry in dir(obj):
    print entry, callable(getattr(obj,entry))
    if callable(getattr(obj,entry)):

If you want a more refined concept, check the unittest.py module. There should be code that executes all methods starting with the string "test"


Depends what you mean by "function". Something like this could work, though:

import inspect

def methods(c):
    return (m for m in (getattr(c, d) for d in dir(c))
            if inspect.ismethoddescriptor(m) or inspect.ismethod(m))


class C:
    def f(self): pass

>>> list(methods(C))
[<unbound method C.f>]
  • -1 For sticking the entire expression in the return statement making in entirely unreadable.
    – C.J.
    Aug 19, 2013 at 23:52

The dir builtin will list all attributes of an object, for example:

>>> class MyClass:
...     def one(self):
...         print "one"
...     def two(self):
...         print "two"
...     def three(self):
...         print "three"
>>> dir(MyClass)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'one', 'three', 'two']

It also works on an initialised class..

>>> c = MyClass()
>>> dir(c)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'one', 'three', 'two']

Methods are just attributes which happen to be callable (via c.attribute() ) - we can use the getattr function to reference that method via a variable..

>>> myfunc = getattr(c, 'one')
>>> myfunc
<bound method MyClass.one of <__main__.MyClass instance at 0x7b0d0>>

Then we can simply call that variable..

>>> myfunc()
one # the output from the c.one() method

Since some attributes are not functions (in the above example, __doc__ and __module__). We can us the callable builtin to check if it's a callable method (a function):

>>> callable(c.three)
>>> callable(c.__doc__)

So to combine all that into a loop:

>>> for cur_method_name in dir(c):
...     the_attr = getattr(c, cur_method_name)
...     if callable(the_attr):
...             the_attr()

Remember this will call methods like __init__ again, which probably isn't desired. You might want to skip any cur_method_name which start with an underscore


Here is one that uses yield to loop through the functions in the class.

def get_functions(mod):
    for entry in dir(mod):
        if hasattr(obj, '__call__') and hasattr(obj,'__func__') :
            yield obj

class foo:
    def one(self):
        print ("here is two")
        return 1
    def two(self):
        print ("here is two")
        return 2
    def three(self):
        print ("here is three")
        return 3

print(sum([fun() for fun in get_functions(foo())]))

Since you wrote the class, you already know all the functions.

class ThisIsPeculiar( object ):
    def aFunction( self, arg1 ):
    def anotherFunction( self, thisArg, thatArg ):
    functionsToCall = [ aFunction, anotherFunction ]

>>> p= ThisIsPeculiar()
>>> p.functionsToCall
[<function aFunction at 0x6b830>, <function anotherFunction at 0x6b870>]
  • Yeah, but that violates the Don't Repeat Yourself principle. Besides, he may not own the code that he wants to exercise, or not want to add unnecessary turds. Apr 13, 2009 at 17:17
  • Doesn't seem to violate DRY to me. You can easily have methods you don't want called automagically. This positively identifies the list of methods which are called.
    – S.Lott
    Apr 13, 2009 at 17:28

Try using the inspect module:

import inspect

class Spam:
    def eggs(self):
        print "eggs"
    def ducks(self):
        print "ducks"
    value = "value"

spam = Spam()
for name, method in inspect.getmembers(spam, callable):



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