Recently I've been doing a lot of these

enum Thing {

    /* etc etc */

    static final Set<Thing> allThings = EnumSet.allOf(Thing.class);


I want something similar in pre 1.5 Java, i.e. I want something like:

final class Thing {

    private Thing(); // control instances within class

    static final Thing instance0 = new Thing();
    static final Thing instance1 = new Thing();

    static final Set allThings = // ?????

How should I do this?

  • 1
    Have Thing's constructor add itself to the static Set allThings.
    – Steve Kuo
    Apr 13, 2009 at 21:30

4 Answers 4


What about that:

final class Thing {

  static final Set allThings = new HashSet();

  private Thing() {
  } // control instances within class

  static final Thing instance0 = new Thing();
  static final Thing instance1 = new Thing();

There was no direct equivalent in pre-1.5 Java.

Before Java 1.5, there were two (syntactically quirky) options if you wanted to initialize immediately:

static final Set allThings = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new Object[] {
    instance0, instance1, // etc.


static final Set allThings = new HashSet() {{
    // etc.

Both of these have their drawbacks, though. The simpler way is to simply make a static method

private static Set all() {
    Set ret = new HashSet();
    // etc.

You still have to remember to add any new members to the method, but it's easier to read (for most people).


There's a pretty well-defined pattern on how to define typesafe enums in a pre-Jav 5 environment.

It's basically a class with public final static fields for the values and a private constructor (or more).

The only "hard" thing is getting details like serialization right (basically by implementing readResolve()).

This Javaworld Tip goes pretty in-depth on the matter and this one has some more to say on the subject.


In the following solution, each enum class extends an abstract base class AbstractEnum, and has its own set of all values automatically generated and stored in a static map in the base class.

 public abstract class AbstractEnum
    private final static Map/*<Class,Collection<AbstractEnum>>*/ allEnums 
      = new HashMap();

    protected AbstractEnum()
      Collection/*<AbstractEnum>*/ allValues 
        = (Collection) allEnums.get(getClass());
      if (allValues == null)
        allValues = new HashSet();
        allEnums.put(getClass(), allValues);

    protected static Collection/*<AbstractEnum>*/ getAllValues(Class clazz)
      return Collections
        .unmodifiableCollection((Collection) allEnums.get(clazz));

  final class Thing extends AbstractEnum
    final static Thing thing0 = new Thing();

    final static Thing thing1 = new Thing();

    private Thing()

    static Collection/*<Thing>*/ getAllValues()
      return getAllValues(Thing.class);

Note that it still needs some additional important features, such as thread-safety and serialization (as described in the post by saua).

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