Everytime i get a warning:

app/controllers/agency/agencies_controller.rb:1: warning: toplevel constant ApplicationController referenced by Agency::ApplicationController

My agencies_controller.rb:

class Agency::AgenciesController < Agency::ApplicationController

  def index


And Agency::ApplicationController:

class Agency::ApplicationController < ApplicationController
  layout 'agency'

  helper_method :current_agency

  def current_agency
    @current_agency ||= current_user.agency 


What the rails wants from me? What is the trouble?

Same situation with another controller

class Agency::ClientsController < Agency::ApplicationController

And no warnings, no errors...

6 Answers 6


I realize this question is almost two years old but I recently stumbled upon this through another stackoverflow post and wanted to share some insight.

Basically, if your namespace Agency happens to be a class instead of a module, you'll get that warning. In the stackoverflow post I pasted above, they had a model (class) of Admin and their namespace was also Admin.

This provides a better explanation of what is happening.

So check to see if your code isn't defining an Agency class somewhere. Good luck.


I had similar issues running Spork and Watchr in my Admin namespaced controllers. So i've fixed this by adding following code into each_run block in spec_helper.rb:

Dir[File.expand_path("app/controllers/admin/*.rb")].each do |file|
    require file

All credits goes to guy from this thread

  • 1
    Thanks this worked great, I modified it a bit though for brevity: Dir[Rails.root.join("app/controllers/admin/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
    – Matt Smith
    Feb 2, 2012 at 9:36
  • after hours of banging my head.. this resolved my issue.. good that i noticed that warning and good that i found this answer.. thanks a lot.
    – whizcreed
    Jul 18, 2012 at 13:15

ApplicationController is the name of the superclass controller that Rails generates for you when you create a new project that all your other controller classes inherit from. There's probably a conflict somewhere because you've used the same name, even though you put it within a namespace.

Try giving your Agency::ApplicationController a different name.

  • But why there are no troubles with Agency::ClientsController??
    – petRUShka
    Jul 7, 2010 at 11:35
  • 1
    Because ClientsController doesn't have a special meaning to Rails. Jul 7, 2010 at 12:32
  • I have a functioning Admin::ApplicationController which doesn't give problems. So renaming should not be required. There is probably ambiguity elsewhere in the call stack, which Ruby is complaining about. Jan 4, 2012 at 15:54

I had similar issues, after setting up Spork and Watchr. In the process, I turned off class cacheing (config_cache_classes => false in config/environments/test.rb) so that changes would be reloaded as necessary in the spork environment. Turning class cacheing back on made the warnings go away.


In my case it was the problem with Devise. I had a devise model Admin and a namespaced routes Admin. Changing the namespaced route to Admins solved the problem.


Solution for me was add this line:

# spec/rails_helper.rb
Dir[File.expand_path("app/controllers/admin/*.rb")].each { |file| require file }

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