I have a Ruby Sinatra app and I have some code which I need to execute on all routes except for a few exceptions. How do I do this?

If I wanted to execute the code on selected routes (whitelist style) I'd do this:

['/join', "/join/*", "/payment/*"].each do |path|
    before path do
        #some code

How do I do it the other way round though (blacklist style)? I want to match all routes except '/join', '/join/*' and '/payment/*'

3 Answers 3


With negative look-ahead:

before /^(?!\/(join|payment))/ do
  # ...

With pass:

 before do
   pass if %w[join payment].include? request.path_info.split('/')[1]
   # ...

Or you could create a custom matcher.

  • how can I include the root path ('/') in this pass statement? Apr 29, 2014 at 18:31
  • 1
    pass if ['join', 'payment', nil].include? request.path_info.split('/')[1] May 6, 2014 at 15:31
  • The pass works well for me but the negative look-ahead does not. Two problems: 1) Sinatra (1.4.6 at least) has a parsing error with a ^ character in a regular expression and 2) the negative look-ahead syntax only checks for the escaped forward-slash. Variable-width values aren't allowed. rubular.com/r/HEWorY6OFU5W9S
    – mrturtle
    Jan 29, 2019 at 18:15

What I did to make a "before all, except..." filter is use a splat, and then run code on splat conditions.

before '/*' do
  unless params[:splat] == 'nofilter' || params[:splat] == 'beta'
    redirect '/beta'

This allowed me to make a before filter with a redirect that didn't create a redirect loop


You can use Regular Expressions for routing in sinatra

for example:

get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do |c|
   "Hello, #{c}!"

taken from here. there you can find further informations.

to build and test your regex you can use http://rubular.com/

  • See, that's already clear from reading the docs. What's not clear from the docs (Sinatra: README) is whether or not before filters can also take regex patterns. You'll notice how before and after filters are in an entirely different section of the article to which you linked. So your answer adds no value (except perhaps that last link) and merely repeats what the docs already state. Thus my downvote. Jun 2, 2016 at 22:29

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