I should know this, but my mind is blank right now ... long night ...

How to define a mapping that is active only when a certain filetype is active (say, markdown and I wish to define a mapping/abbrev for inserting brackets ][ since I don't have them on my keyboard in my language layout)?

3 Answers 3


To define a mapping effective only in the buffers having certain filetype value, one can use the combination of a filetype autocommand (see :help autocmd, :help FileType) and a local mapping (see :help map-local).

:autocmd FileType markdown inoremap <buffer> (( [
:autocmd FileType markdown inoremap <buffer> )) ]
  • Figures it had to be something dead-simple ;) Thanks ib.!
    – Rook
    Oct 15, 2011 at 14:22

The first, mandatory, step is indeed to define buffer local mappings with :h :map-<buffer> as ib said.

Then you have the choice. You can :

  • either clutter your .vimrc with autocommands
  • or use ftplugins, which is the solution that scales, that can be easily redistributed, and so on.

The first approach is fine when we only use vim for a couple of languages/filetypes and when we have very few mappings/commands/abbreviations/... It's fine the first couple of years in Vim. Past a certain amount of ft-specific settings, the second solution is the one to be preferred.

(BTW, this subject is a duplicate, but I too lazy right now to search for the other posts)


Add where appropriate (e.g. ~/.vimrc):

au FileType markdown inoremap <C-b> [
  • The command does not work as you probably expect. Once a buffer with markdown filetype is open, it defines the global mapping that works for any buffer even after that Markdown file is closed!
    – ib.
    Oct 15, 2011 at 4:46
  • @ib Thank you, forgot about that. (I make this mistake fairly regurlarly in my own ~/.vimrc).
    – Owen
    Oct 15, 2011 at 5:13

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