I have a very simple Javascript (jQuery) code, which just add a class name to the HTML link <a> element when the link is clicked, then use CSS to change the link background to red.

You will see in my code, I defined the background color for HTML link visited, hover, active . The Javascript (jQuery) code is just to addClass() to the <a> link tag to change the background color to red by using CSS if the link has been clicked.

My code is here on jsfiddle, Why it does not work?

---------------New problem------------------------

Seems the thing get different if I put the link inside a table (as a content of <td>), like this code shows, why now the background does not change to red???? (But the font size did change, strange, seems partly highlighted)

4 Answers 4


First, jQuery objects have .addClass available. So not this.addClass, but $(this).addClass. $(this) creates a jQuery object from an element.

Secondly, a .highlight means: any descendants of <a> elements with a class of highlight. You want <a> elements which have that class themselves, so use a.highlight (without the space).


  • Ah, yup, I was about to give the same answer. But you explained it better than I would have. +1
    – Yoshiyahu
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:01
  • Could you also help on the similar case here, the only difference is I put the link to a table <td>, it does not show the highlight background still, Here is the code: jsfiddle.net/YJH9g/27
    – Leem.fin
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:10
  • @Leem.fin: You should never use an ID twice in one document - then you destroy the idea of an ID (it should be unique). Also, adding !important in CSS makes a rule superior to others. I used a class name instead of an ID: jsfiddle.net/YJH9g/29.
    – pimvdb
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:13

addClass is a jQuery function; this is a native DOM element.

You need $(this)


you need to use $(this)

  • Could you also help on the similar case here, the only difference is I put the link to a table <td>, it does not show the highlight background still, Here is the code: jsfiddle.net/YJH9g/27
    – Leem.fin
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:13

For your second question: You can not use an id multiple times! What you can do is use classes:

<table border="1">
   <td class="col">
       <a class="my-link" href="#">Home</a>
    <td class="col">
       <a class="my-link" href="#">Help</a>



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