I'm trying to pass a text to my JavaScript function as bellow.

hplDetails.NavigateUrl = "JavaScript:GetSpecialEquipmentsDetails('" + ((SGViagens.Entities.SpecialEquipment)(e.Item.DataItem)).EquipmentCode + "','" + ((SGViagens.Entities.SpecialEquipment)(e.Item.DataItem)).EquipmentName + "')";

My second parameter contains any text with accents, special characters. But when I get in my JavaScript function, the text is mangled. Anyone have any tips for me?

  • 2
    Could you show what the text looks like in C# and in JS?
    – Tetaxa
    Oct 17, 2011 at 13:08
  • in C# is 'Assento para Bebês', in JS show me Assentos%20para%20beb%C3%83....
    – mcamara
    Oct 17, 2011 at 13:13

3 Answers 3


Instead of <asp:HyperLink> try having such thing:

<a id="hplDetails" runat="server">Text here</a>

Then assign its URL with such code:

hplDetails.Attributes["href"] = "URL here.....";

Hopefully this won't mess your special characters.


ASP.NET is encoding the NavigateUrl property.

Use decodeURI in your js function.

  • Now it's true, but the accents are still having problems as 'Assento para bebês
    – mcamara
    Oct 17, 2011 at 13:24
  • @tomcamara - maybe try unescape? Oct 17, 2011 at 13:42

Having a utility function such as this in a class called, say StringUtil:

public static string JsEncode(string text)
    StringBuilder safe = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (char ch in text)
        // Hex encode "\xFF"
        if (ch <= 127)
            safe.Append("\\x" + ((int)ch).ToString("x2"));
        // Unicode hex encode "\uFFFF"
            safe.Append("\\u" + ((int)ch).ToString("x4"));
    return safe.ToString();

... mean you can then encode the values as safe, JavaScript-encoded strings:

hplDetails.NavigateUrl = "JavaScript:GetSpecialEquipmentsDetails('" + StringUtil.JSEncode( ((SGViagens.Entities.SpecialEquipment)(e.Item.DataItem)).EquipmentCode + "','" + ((SGViagens.Entities.SpecialEquipment)(e.Item.DataItem)).EquipmentName ) + "')";

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