I'm trying to use an image for a link like so:

    <a href="UploadPage.html">
        <img src="/logo.png"/>

In the rendered HTML, the href of the <a> is correctly set to my upload page.

But curiously, Wicket adds onclick=window.location.href='/logo.png' to the <img> tag. The end result is that clicking on the logo loads the logo itself, rather than the upload page.

A simple work-around is to not use <wicket:link>, and hard-code the url to my upload page, but I'd like to know if there is a proper solution to this.


5 Answers 5


For me it helped to add empty onClick (Wicket 1.5):

<li><a class="current" href="main">
   <img onClick="" src="img/icons/home.png"/>

after this, the link points to the page, not the image itself


Add the following in your html:

<a wicket:id="linkID"><img src="/logo.png"/></a>

Add the following in the corresponding java class:

add(new PageLink<Void>("linkID", new YourWicketPage()));

Or for more generic purposes:

add(new Link<Void>("linkID") {
    public void onClick()
        // do whatever you want when the link/image is clicked

Note that I gave the Link a Void model, since a model doesn't seem necessary to me in this case. However, it is imaginable that given a certain context a model for the link should be used.


did you already check out the answer in How to make a wicket link appear as an image?

Which wicket version do you use?

  • I'm using Wicket 1.4.17. I'm only trying to link to an internal Wicket page, not an ExternalLink, so the page you reference doesn't really apply. Jul 24, 2011 at 19:26
  • This is rather a comment, not an answer. Oct 14, 2012 at 21:01

you have maybe forgotten the quote on the "onclick" :

  • 1
    I'm not supplying the onclick behavior- Wicket is. Jul 24, 2011 at 19:24

Just to mention: using full url for src tag should help (http://blah/logo.png) but it's not elegent or portable solution. Perhaps it's a wicket bug. Maybe consider using div with css instead?

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