I am in the midst of debugging someone's code, and I have code like

int i = their_val;
std::cout << "output: " << i << std::endl;

When I look at the log output I see lines like

output: a

Should this happen? Is something changing the cout formatting or could it be something odder?

  • 1
    "causing integers to become hex numbers" is a phrase to think about... those poor integers.
    – Kerrek SB
    Oct 31, 2011 at 17:25
  • As the answers below have noted, a preceding std::hex is causing the issue. See this previous discussion: stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/…
    – Gnawme
    Oct 31, 2011 at 18:20

3 Answers 3


Did someone cout << std::hex prior to that output? It would cause it to print in hexadecimal.

  • I think it's probably that (upvoted) but it's a huge enough code base that I can't immediately find it. I realised this was probably the case just after submitting... Oct 31, 2011 at 17:27

Check and see if std::hex gets passed into std::cout anywhere. That would result in the behavior you're seeing.

You can force things to be in decimal using:

std::cout << "output: " << std::dec << i << std::endl;

You probably did std::cout << std::hex somewhere earlier. You can undo this with std::cout << std::dec.

std::cout << "output: " << std::dec << i << std::endl;

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