Mac OSX 10.7.2, XCode 4.1, GHC 7.0.3

I am trying to build GHC 7.2.2 from source. Here is the result of ./configure:

Configure completed successfully.

   Building GHC version  : 7.2.2

   Build platform        : x86_64-apple-darwin
   Host platform         : x86_64-apple-darwin
   Target platform       : x86_64-apple-darwin

   Bootstrapping using   : /usr/bin/ghc
      which is version   : 7.0.3

   Using GCC             : /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
      which is version   : 4.2.1

   ld       : /usr/bin/ld
   Happy    : /usr/bin/happy (1.18.6)
   Alex     : /usr/bin/alex (2.3.5)
   Python   : /opt/local/bin/python
   Perl     : /opt/local/bin/perl
   dblatex  : 
   xsltproc : /usr/bin/xsltproc

   HsColour was not found; documentation will not contain source links

   Building DocBook HTML documentation : NO
   Building DocBook PS documentation   : NO
   Building DocBook PDF documentation  : NO

HsColour was not found. If I run ghc-pkg on my GHC 7.0.3 installation, it shows "hscolour-1.19" installed in the global GHC directory. I would like source links in the documentation, so why is it not seeing hscolour?

  • 1
    Is HsColour in the PATH (does which find it)? Nov 14, 2011 at 21:26
  • Ah! Correct. The executable is not found. Nov 14, 2011 at 22:01

1 Answer 1


HsColour is a library and executable. It probably looked for the executable while you are talking about the library. Be sure to install the HsColour executable somewhere in the current PATH.

  • Yes, this seems to be my mistake. I assumed that cabal install would build and install the executable. Seeing that this is not the case, is there any convenient method of build the executable of HsColour? Nov 14, 2011 at 22:02
  • I see now that cabal has indeed built the executable, but simply has not added it to the PATH. I found the executable in /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.0.3/lib/hscolour-1.19/bin Nov 14, 2011 at 22:09

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