Could someone explain me why do I have the following result with the following data in my db :

Data in the DB :

  "_id": { "$oid" : "4E4BDA5A068E2C5B0E450100" },
  "name" : "john",
  "object" : {
  "array" : [

Query :

db.collection.find( { name : "john" } );

Result :

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e4bda5a068e2c5b0e450100"), "name" : "john", "object" : { "A" : "1", "B" : "2" }, "array" : [ { "B" : "2" } ] }

Where is my array A:1 ??? Thx for your help.

Mongo 2.0.1

1 Answer 1


Something in your syntax must be wrong.

Inserting your doc:

  "_id": { _id: ObjectId("4E4BDA5A068E2C5B0E450100") },
  "name" : "john",
  "object" : {
  "array" : [


db.free4297.findOne( { name: "john" } )

    "_id" : {
        "_id" : ObjectId("4e4bda5a068e2c5b0e450100")
    "name" : "john",
    "object" : {
        "A" : "1",
        "B" : "2"
    "array" : [
            "A" : "1"
            "B" : "2"
  • Well, I still don't understand why, but it seems ok now :/ Nov 26, 2011 at 13:37

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